View Full Version : Heights

05-07-2015, 11:31 PM
So who can help me here?!

My OB is in a building on the 4th floor. I will not use the elevator so I take the stairs every time. But once I'm up there, I freak out the whole time & choke down the panic attack.

My next appt is in 3 weeks.. & after this, I'll go every 2 weeks til the last 4 weeks of my pregnancy where I'll go once a week.

This is a nightmare. I hate heights!! HATE HATE HATE. Anyone overcome this fear?

Mr Jingles
05-08-2015, 01:58 AM
Have you told your OB about it? I don't mean that as advice, but I wonder if as a doctor they might be receptive. At least you wouldn't have to hide the anxiety.

I don't have any answers, sorry, just a little empathy. The heights that get me are sitting on the edge of a wall... I knuckle of death sometimes, gives me unsafe vertigo feeling.