View Full Version : Getting over phobias

05-07-2015, 09:26 PM
I didn't quite know where to post this because there's no specific category for phobias on the forum (except social phobia). I recently switched gears in counseling and I'm starting to work on some of the tougher issues that I have with my anxiety. One of them is phobias.

I'm not going to sit here and list of everything that I seem to have a phobia of because it will take up tons of space and won't really accomplish much of anything. I did however want to see if anyone has any tips on how they have dealt with or gotten over their phobias.

05-07-2015, 09:32 PM
I expose myself to some of mine a such as I can. My big four phobias (that arent like nuclear war, governmental collapse, death) are heights, hair dryers, toasters and spiders. I can now use my step ladder without vertigo (as long as I don't look straight up). I make myself use my hair dryer at least once a week. I still can't be in the kitchen after I set the toaster but I can watch it from another room, and spiders.. well all those nasty things can burn in arachnihell, but I can squish them without crying now.

05-07-2015, 09:49 PM
My whole thing is social phobia. I guess the key to phobias is exposure, which basically means you desensitise yourself to whatever it is by facing it. So with social phobia it means being around people no matter how anxious about it you feel. I've gone through times where I find it terrifying to leave the house, but I didn't have anyone else who could get me things, so I had no choice (which is a good thing). What I'd do is wait until it got dark (because I feel less freaked out at night and there are less people around) and drive to the supermarket. I'd even go specifically to the supermarkets with self checkouts. That would be the extent of my "social life" and I'd make myself do it even if I didn't really need anything because if I missed a trip to the supermarket it'd be worse the next day. Then I'd go to say a shopping mall on days I was feeling strong enough. Sometimes I'd just sit outside and smoke a cigarette and look at people and notice how they pay no attention to me whatsoever (because the whole thing with social anxiety is being self-conscious and thinking you will embarrass yourself somehow).

I don't think I'll ever be completely over this phobia but yeah that's how I deal with it when its bad. I also have a phobia of spiders (I live in Australia so we have big ass spiders who get inside your house and car). That phobia is a whole different ballgame and I have strategies like spraying citrus oil in my car and checking under the sun visors before I drive off lol.

05-07-2015, 09:55 PM
and spiders.. well all those nasty things can burn in arachnihell, but I can squish them without crying now.

I've taken to huntsmans with a lighter and a can of hairspray. I was at war with them one year when they kept coming into my room and I think I lost the plot. Those things make me want to move to the other side of the world.

05-07-2015, 10:18 PM
My whole thing is social phobia. I guess the key to phobias is exposure, which basically means you desensitise yourself to whatever it is by facing it. So with social phobia it means being around people no matter how anxious about it you feel. I've gone through times where I find it terrifying to leave the house, but I didn't have anyone else who could get me things, so I had no choice (which is a good thing). What I'd do is wait until it got dark (because I feel less freaked out at night and there are less people around) and drive to the supermarket. I'd even go specifically to the supermarkets with self checkouts. That would be the extent of my "social life" and I'd make myself do it even if I didn't really need anything because if I missed a trip to the supermarket it'd be worse the next day. Then I'd go to say a shopping mall on days I was feeling strong enough. Sometimes I'd just sit outside and smoke a cigarette and look at people and notice how they pay no attention to me whatsoever (because the whole thing with social anxiety is being self-conscious and thinking you will embarrass yourself somehow).

I don't think I'll ever be completely over this phobia but yeah that's how I deal with it when its bad. I also have a phobia of spiders (I live in Australia so we have big ass spiders who get inside your house and car). That phobia is a whole different ballgame and I have strategies like spraying citrus oil in my car and checking under the sun visors before I drive off lol.

I'm really starting to think you might be my long lost Australian twin, if I had one that is. I do all of this (with the exception of the spider thing in the car. I drive a giant kidnapper van that incinerates anything living inside after a full day of sun) right down to self checkout shopping at night and smoking outside to watch people just so I can get myself out for a little bit.
I have read many things about the spiders of Australia... I've got a big bucket of nope for that noise! Where I am it's mostly little guys, a few venomous nuisances, and the occasional tarantula. I waged war on the scorpions though at my parents house when we stayed with them a couple summers ago. My mother was livid when she discovered I was using WD-40 to repel them (yet for some reason it worked). Grease spots around all the windows.

05-07-2015, 10:22 PM
My main phobias (basically the ones that I'm most determined to conquer) are heights, crowded places/small spaces (elevators are a nightmare for me), germs/feelings of contamination/fear of getting sick and the dark (please don't laugh). At one point in the past I was told that I was agoraphobic so that's probably why crowded places are still an issue. Thanks for the tips guys.

05-08-2015, 04:32 AM
I'm really starting to think you might be my long lost Australian twin, if I had one that is. I do all of this (with the exception of the spider thing in the car. I drive a giant kidnapper van that incinerates anything living inside after a full day of sun) right down to self checkout shopping at night and smoking outside to watch people just so I can get myself out for a little bit.
I have read many things about the spiders of Australia... I've got a big bucket of nope for that noise! Where I am it's mostly little guys, a few venomous nuisances, and the occasional tarantula. I waged war on the scorpions though at my parents house when we stayed with them a couple summers ago. My mother was livid when she discovered I was using WD-40 to repel them (yet for some reason it worked). Grease spots around all the windows.

I'm pretty sure if a huntsman crawled on me my soul would leave my body. LOL@WD-40 for the scorpions.