View Full Version : Handling my anxiety better.....But

05-07-2015, 01:17 PM
My reaction to things that do cause me stress, rather than an anxiety attack or just plain anxiety/nervousness are starting to manifest as ANGER. I use caps because I am usually very low key and have the patients of Job...which is often commented on and considered a plus for my job duties. Example: I just got call from parents, they are going to hospital, my Grandmother age 90 has been admitted for testing, she has been sick and not getting any better. She's 90 and these things happen but for some reason my response was anger off the chart, I had to control myself not to take it out on a co worker, who was helping me with a project...right now I feel like my head is going to explode, BP must be off the charts. There is no reason for this reaction, completely uncalled for..but unable to channel feelings other than anger at the moment. Maybe feel helpless...not sure..there is nothing I can do or need to do.

Mr Jingles
05-07-2015, 06:48 PM
Were there any thoughts that went along with the anger? You mentioned helplessness or maybe feeling like it shouldn't be happening to your grandmother. Or was it just anger, more of a feeling, no thoughts?

05-07-2015, 07:39 PM
My reaction to things that do cause me stress, rather than an anxiety attack or just plain anxiety/nervousness are starting to manifest as ANGER. I use caps because I am usually very low key and have the patients of Job...which is often commented on and considered a plus for my job duties. Example: I just got call from parents, they are going to hospital, my Grandmother age 90 has been admitted for testing, she has been sick and not getting any better. She's 90 and these things happen but for some reason my response was anger off the chart, I had to control myself not to take it out on a co worker, who was helping me with a project...right now I feel like my head is going to explode, BP must be off the charts. There is no reason for this reaction, completely uncalled for..but unable to channel feelings other than anger at the moment. Maybe feel helpless...not sure..there is nothing I can do or need to do.

Keep in mind, as I am sure you know, when feeling anxious, your patience and tolerance are at an all time low

05-07-2015, 08:46 PM
I am starting to think anger might just be a side effect of healing from anxiety. When I was constantly anxious anger was an emotion I never felt. Now... well let's just say my anxiety is tons better but I have the rare volatile day in exchange.

05-07-2015, 08:55 PM
I lost it the other night over something that didn't warrant it. It's completely normal when your "cup" is overflowing with other emotions like anxiety.

Sae, I know what you mean. My anxiety manifests as anger a lot more these days. I prefer anger to just plain anxiety - I get a lot more stuff accomplished with anger :)

05-07-2015, 09:10 PM
Not to sound like a broken record but I also have my anxiety manifesting as anger fairly frequently. Sometimes I'll be really anxious and I'll end up starting a verbal fight with someone or I get angry about something for no real reason (other than the anxiety manifesting that way). I saw my counselor this afternoon and some of my anxiety is coming off as mild anger right now. It can be bothersome.

05-11-2015, 07:24 AM
Not to sound like a broken record but I also have my anxiety manifesting as anger fairly frequently. Sometimes I'll be really anxious and I'll end up starting a verbal fight with someone or I get angry about something for no real reason (other than the anxiety manifesting that way). I saw my counselor this afternoon and some of my anxiety is coming off as mild anger right now. It can be bothersome.

Anger has passed, Grandmother is not doing well, this may be the end..Thankful I have had her for almost 50 years, not many people get to say that. I think my anger was brought on by not being able to control the situation...I am a bit of a control freak...things have to be a certain way with no change...I must understand I cannot control everything or anything for that fact.

05-11-2015, 07:37 AM
Anger has passed, Grandmother is not doing well, this may be the end..Thankful I have had her for almost 50 years, not many people get to say that. I think my anger was brought on by not being able to control the situation...I am a bit of a control freak...things have to be a certain way with no change...I must understand I cannot control everything or anything for that fact.

My thoughts are with you. Yes, you must allow others free will, even if it's judged (by you or whoever) bad for them. Anger of any sort is the mediating emotion meant to direct the parties back to love. Resolve some conflict that stands in the way. (Of love).

You've heard "love is the answer"?

For example,

"Mom I'm so angry at you, why can't we settle our differences. (returning to love)."

And so anger and it's offshoots fear and hate are healing triggers.

Hate or anger use fear as fuel to settle the perceived conflict that would return the parties to a loving state and remove the separation felt.

Now if someone is dieing it's not up to you to swerve their decisions but to heal in you that fear and anger. Finding it and feel it. Then you can be of service out of love.

I am telling you all of this to remind you what a loving person you are. And to expose the motive behind your feelings that are often scary and misunderstood. (Even the sleep dreaming).

Mr Jingles
05-14-2015, 08:30 AM
@gadguy: apparently most of us anxiety folks are control freaks according to psychological literature I've read. I know I am. What I wouldn't give if I could pull "the manager" out of my head and replace with "the go-er with the flow-er"

@I'm suffering: you said "anger and it's offshoots fear and hate are healing triggers." It often feels like suffering and all painful emotions serve as big alarm clocks to wake us up, sometimes kicking and screaming, to correct and heal.

05-15-2015, 06:54 AM
@gadguy: apparently most of us anxiety folks are control freaks according to psychological literature I've read. I know I am. What I wouldn't give if I could pull "the manager" out of my head and replace with "the go-er with the flow-er"

@I'm suffering: you said "anger and it's offshoots fear and hate are healing triggers." It often feels like suffering and all painful emotions serve as big alarm clocks to wake us up, sometimes kicking and screaming, to correct and heal.

Yes I am an extreme control freak....I used to have big Halloween parties...about 100 guest...I did all food prep and decorating etc.....never trusted anyone else to do it right. I finally quit with them got to be to $$ and way to much work.