View Full Version : what is cognitive behavior therapy

05-06-2015, 06:20 AM
Id like to avoid taking any meds again, being recovered alcoholic and not doing well before with meds, im wondering what is the cognitive therapy and how it works. And does it work?

05-06-2015, 06:58 AM
I like to think it's been working for me. I had to kick head drugs to the curb due to financial restraints. Ultimately when faced with affording them vs heart meds I had to choose the stuff that keeps me alive.
It's much more work, constant alteration of your thought processes at first. I went through a period of time convinced it wasn't working at all, but anxiety begets anxiety too. The moment I stopped worrying over whether or not it was working life became a little easier.
Professional counselling paired with routine building exercises has significantly reduced much of my anxiety. I can't stress routine building enough. Routines and sub routines (within reason of course) give a backbone to my day.

05-06-2015, 09:43 AM





05-06-2015, 09:49 AM
I like to think it's been working for me. I had to kick head drugs to the curb due to financial restraints. Ultimately when faced with affording them vs heart meds I had to choose the stuff that keeps me alive.
It's much more work, constant alteration of your thought processes at first. I went through a period of time convinced it wasn't working at all, but anxiety begets anxiety too. The moment I stopped worrying over whether or not it was working life became a little easier.
Professional counselling paired with routine building exercises has significantly reduced much of my anxiety. I can't stress routine building enough. Routines and sub routines (within reason of course) give a backbone to my day.

Excellent post! Routines are critical. You know, I never suffered anxiety when I was in the Army? Not once. Why? I was structured, I had a routine- ALWAYS, and I was busy.

Keeping busy is a great way to combat anxiety. Ever been so busy you feel a panic attack coming on, but your brain is like "No, panic attack, I have no time for you right now. I'm busy"