View Full Version : Another Update

05-04-2015, 08:31 PM
Hello all, it's been a while since I've been on here. Things have gotten significantly better. I haven't had a panic attack in week (yay!) and I just feel much less anxious. Last weekend I had about 5 attacks, though I know the causes of all of them and I'm getting better at identifying what sets me off and what makes me uncomfortable. I'm assuming the medicine has taken full affect which would probably explain why I'm so tired all the time. I hope things stay like this and maybe I can start driving again which was something that really set off my anxiety. Wishing the best to all of you. :)


05-04-2015, 08:39 PM
Hi Alyssa, welcome back :)

That's great. What meds are you on?

Mr Jingles
05-08-2015, 07:45 PM

...and I just feel much less anxious. Last weekend I had about 5 attacks, though I know the causes of all of them and I'm getting better at identifying what sets me off and what makes me uncomfortable.

If you feel like sharing, what does set you off? Do you see a pattern of thoughts or feelings? Sometimes for me I see no thoughts, just panic feelings hit. Other times, it feels like thoughts only, or thoughts that triggered an already aggravated nervous system. Is knowing the causes helping you to prevent or handle the attacks?

I'm just curious and want to learn about other's experiences.

06-23-2015, 12:33 AM
Sorry it took me so long to reply! I was on a band trip so the nerves obviously were getting to me about my performance that day along with my best friend who had been sending me some weird signals so that was also something that kept me constantly worrying.
The first attack was set off by a huge storm that had just come through and the thunder was scaring me a lot plus I just wasn't feeling very good all day and I let the anxiety kick in.
The second one was again caused by loud noises of car engines and my friend was talking to everyone but me and that always makes me nervous and makes me feel like I did something wrong so I think too much and attack number 2.
Attacks number three and four were from loud noises at a jousting tournament we went to. Loud noises don't usually have this affect on me though, it was kind of strange.
And the fifth one was right before a tunnel leading to a roller coaster and it was mostly because of claustrophobia and exhaustion.
Hope this helps!

06-23-2015, 05:38 AM
Nerves obviously were getting to me about my performance

Thunder was scaring me a lot

Loud noises of car engines

My friend was talking to everyone but me and that always makes me nervous

Makes me feel like I did something wrong so I think too much

Loud noises (jousting tourney)


Great work in recognizing triggers ! Fantastic!

Now, go through each one and ask 'why?'.

"Why do I feel nervous or like i have done something wrong (behaving badly) when my friend talks to everyone but me?"

"Where do these feelings come from?"