View Full Version : first appointment with the OBGYN tomorrow...i'm terrified! :(

05-04-2015, 04:31 PM
I am 23 years old, and i have never been to the gynocologist. I started having sex when right before i turned 22, and i've only been with one person. My anxiety finally got me to make an impromptu last minute appointment for tomorrow morning, just so i can have peace of mind. I've been reading so much (because i have a bad habit of googling things) about cervical and ovarian cancer, and they have absolutely terrified me! I've never missed a period since i started getting them, and for the most part, they have always been regular except for a couple times where i have been 2-11 days late. I noticed that the months i was late, i was worried something was wrong with me when i didnt get it the day i was supposed to, so i was constantly thinking about it, which i know can delay it. The one month that i was 11 months late, i was very stressed out as my grandfather was not doing well and i had anxiety throughout the whole month pretty much. But other than that, i know in my mind there is no reason for me to obsess or worry over these kinds of cancers. But i do worry because i have had some pelvic pain, that comes and goes. I notice it mostly when i have anxiety, but there have been times where it would come for a couple minutes and then disappear. It was never bad enough where i couldnt move or walk or anything like that, it was just kind of there. I also started getting lower back pain, but i am almost certain that is from work, as i work in a department where i am constantly bending, moving, and lifting heavy items, which was different than the job i used to have. I just hope that everything is ok. Should i be nervous about my appointment tomorrow? Are they good at making sure your ovaries are fine? I've read on a lot of sites that there aren't any tests to check for ovarian cancer. That scares me. I only get bloated before my period, and i only have to pee frequently if i drink a lot in a short amount of time and then am constantly walking around. I am terrified of the unknown and i'll be terrified until i get my results back hopefully saying that i have a clean bill of health :/ I'm so nervous guys :(

05-04-2015, 06:59 PM
I am 23 years old, and i have never been to the gynocologist. I started having sex when right before i turned 22, and i've only been with one person. My anxiety finally got me to make an impromptu last minute appointment for tomorrow morning, just so i can have peace of mind. I've been reading so much (because i have a bad habit of googling things) about cervical and ovarian cancer, and they have absolutely terrified me! I've never missed a period since i started getting them, and for the most part, they have always been regular except for a couple times where i have been 2-11 days late. I noticed that the months i was late, i was worried something was wrong with me when i didnt get it the day i was supposed to, so i was constantly thinking about it, which i know can delay it. The one month that i was 11 months late, i was very stressed out as my grandfather was not doing well and i had anxiety throughout the whole month pretty much. But other than that, i know in my mind there is no reason for me to obsess or worry over these kinds of cancers. But i do worry because i have had some pelvic pain, that comes and goes. I notice it mostly when i have anxiety, but there have been times where it would come for a couple minutes and then disappear. It was never bad enough where i couldnt move or walk or anything like that, it was just kind of there. I also started getting lower back pain, but i am almost certain that is from work, as i work in a department where i am constantly bending, moving, and lifting heavy items, which was different than the job i used to have. I just hope that everything is ok. Should i be nervous about my appointment tomorrow? Are they good at making sure your ovaries are fine? I've read on a lot of sites that there aren't any tests to check for ovarian cancer. That scares me. I only get bloated before my period, and i only have to pee frequently if i drink a lot in a short amount of time and then am constantly walking around. I am terrified of the unknown and i'll be terrified until i get my results back hopefully saying that i have a clean bill of health :/ I'm so nervous guys :(

First, congrats on waiting until you were 22. Pretty impressive. I was way too young and had no idea what i was doing. Still don't, by the way.

I am a dud and I don't know female issues. But I know irrational anxious thinking when I see it

And I see it as clear as a I see people rioting in Baltimore

Get a clean bill of health, which you will, and then realize it is your beliefs that is causing your concerns

At 23 you are looking for answers early on

By 24 this will be behind you for good

05-04-2015, 07:13 PM
You'll be okay! Try not to stress. They will swab you & test it right there I believe. If it does not come back abnormal, you're in the clear!

05-04-2015, 10:22 PM
Cervical cancer takes like ten years to develop, so even if you have abnormal cells now, they will catch it wayyyy before it can go anywhere. Do yourself a favour - stop Googling medical things! I'm pretty sure Dr Google is responsible for most of the health anxiety I see around here. He's a really shitty doctor ;)

You'll be just fine.
Gypsy x

05-04-2015, 10:25 PM
I am a dud and I don't know female issues.

A dud hey? Freudian slip? :P

05-05-2015, 06:05 PM
A dud hey? Freudian slip? :P

Nah, I just use the word my wife calls me

05-05-2015, 07:40 PM
Nah, I just use the word my wife calls me

Awww poor Nixon lol.