View Full Version : problems with paranoia

08-18-2008, 03:12 PM
I've recently had a difficult period of anxiety depression and became very withdrawn for several years. I became very paranoid about what my neighbours, friends and family thought about me. This seemed to feed into more anxiety so became more withdrawn and more paranoid.

I'm beginning to recover now but am trying to work through certain issues. i have a lot of paranoia especially when under any pressure. I've had many periods in my life such as this but until recently had never mentioned it to anybody and did not really have any insight into the way i was feeling.
Does anybody here have any problems with paranoia such as this?

08-19-2008, 08:10 PM
I suffer from anxiety and depression and I've had the same paranoid feelings. I feel like everyone at work hates me, but I know that this is all in my mind. I try to force myself to engage with people and I always get a positive response. The more I try to speak to people, even if it is just to say "hi", the better I feel.

08-21-2008, 10:35 PM
thank you for your post!
my anxiety gets so bad, that i start getting paranoid.
about everything.
if there's a hell on earth, that has to be it.
i think i've hidden it well.
i think my family would probably put me away if they knew how bad it was.

08-26-2008, 12:02 PM
I find it kind of a relief to tell people that I deal with it but its hard to do, I find I get embarrassed about it. My mom doesnt understand the anxiety at all. Looks at me like I have 3 heads or something. She rolls her eyes when I tell her about my worries but thats who I am and I can't help that