View Full Version : do i have a brain tumor? or is this just anxiety?

08-18-2008, 11:28 AM
Im really scared that i have a brain tumor.
Because i have double vision, can double vision be caused by anxiety?
Im really freaked out, its driving me absolutely insane, ive had double vision before in the past but it was never this bad...
When i close my right eye it goes away through. I also feel dizzy and have headaches and my head feels heavy. Could it be caused by tension in my neck because, my neck is really tense and has a lot of knots in it. Im scared of having a brain tumor, even though i had a brain scan 5 years ago...
Please help....

08-18-2008, 08:22 PM
I very well could be part of the anxiety, there are so many symptoms. I have had vision issues myself during an attack. You should talk to your doctor about it.