View Full Version : i use to suffer from anxiety problems ..but i find a way to face it with no med

Abdeslam Tinariwine
05-01-2015, 04:34 PM
i had a lot of night without sleep,i have this black ideas,fatigue,noise,and all of the pain problemes....
anxiety is a serious problems that can make you suffer from depression and a lot of health problemes that all you know.
when i have my first angust,no sleep...i runed to a psy and he give a lot of medications,drugs in fact....
this drugs make my problemes worst and give me no lasting solution...
i decide to read about anxiety and i take a training about cognitive behavioral therapy(CBT)....
that change my life....i find solutions to my anxiety problemes very easy
so i decide to give you all about my experience to help you moving on from your anxiety......

help others make us happy

05-08-2015, 06:10 PM
Did the cbt work?