View Full Version : Not Panic

05-01-2015, 12:10 PM
I was invited to a high school orchestra concert. Hey, that's cool. My kid is in orchestra in another school so we decided to take up the invite. Dinner being rushed we just made some Belgium waffles and readied ourselves for our night out ("it don't matter what we had for dinner, woman!"). Oh but it does.
The concert was great and even though it had been the first time in almost a week I had been out my front door I felt alright for me. I get back home, kick off the heels and I start to feel sick, disconnected almost instantly. My first thought is "oh here we go again, you wimp... you get around crowds and come back all weepy and weird". Sure enough here come the waterworks. I am sitting on my couch bawling over song lyrics, my dog accidentally being left outside before we left, the mess I left in the sink, the weird smell in my laundryroom... sweating, palpitations, but oddly enough no real thoughts of panic.
My panic attacks always come with a signature "I'm going to die if.." thought. I had nothing of the sort. I didn't have any funky jaw pain to accompany the chest pain so it wasn't an angina flare up. My hands were shaking, my eyes blurring... still no panic. I had enough wits to recount my day and realized the only thing I had eaten all day was that damned Belgium waffle with a seriously unhealthy amount of syrup.
Sure enough after a good stab I found a blood sugar of 56. After a dry cheese sandwich, a glucose tab and about 20 minutes I felt just fine, albeit a little tired.

Moral if the story. I may have at least once mistaken a blood sugar dive for panic.
Ah the joys of falling apart before 35. This body is defective and I demand a refund!

05-01-2015, 05:32 PM
Stupid how easily your mind can fool you into believing nonsense

As much as I would like to say something meaningful, reading your post just makes me realize how much I want Belgium waffles.