View Full Version : Anxiety + GERDish symptoms + Sinus Arrythmia

Jill Rs
05-01-2015, 09:10 AM
Hello all, hope everyone's enjoying there Friday. I suffered terrible panic attacks back in October, after a month of not being able to control them, i went on 10 mgs Lexapro for 7 weeks until I could work on myself through meditation, relaxation exercise and 2 week holiday break. I went off Lexapro and really had some crazy withdrawals for 3 months, mainly palpitations. Fast forward 1 month and i am now suffering with this indigestion that makes my palpitations go off all day and yes, bringing in a good amount of anxiety, I suffer from health anxiety, the cause of my panic attacks. I went to the doctors today and the EKG revealed that i had sinus arrythmia, basically irregular heartbeat dealing with breathing. Has anyone else dealt with this? and what do you do to stop these damn things. Meditation does help but during a class, I'm a teacher, I can't meditate or leave. any advice would be helpful. Thank you!

Mr Jingles
05-07-2015, 05:09 AM
If I understood you correctly, you're a meditation teacher. Have you had panic during your class? That would be hard, being the teacher and unable to go anywhere if panic strikes. On the other hand, if you can ride it out, it might build your confidence you can handle panic in other situations.

Sometimes it seems like life is not interested in bringing me what I want, but when I look back I wonder if instead it brought me what I needed. I hate anxiety, it has floored me. But sometimes it feels like the anxiety is transforming me. Against my will. It's certainly teaching me a lot about myself.

For a long time, I was meditating trying to control the anxiety. That didn't work. Lately I've been trying to just sit and expect nothing, not even mindfulness, just doing the opposite of control, accepting, watching. I hope when I do start adding the formal practice back in, it has more allow and less "you're overwhelming me, you need to change."

As a meditator, I'd like to know more about your practice and how you're approaching it. Could be helpful to my transforming practice.

05-07-2015, 08:01 AM
If I understood you correctly, you're a meditation teacher. Have you had panic during your class? That would be hard, being the teacher and unable to go anywhere if panic strikes. On the other hand, if you can ride it out, it might build your confidence you can handle panic in other situations.

Sometimes it seems like life is not interested in bringing me what I want, but when I look back I wonder if instead it brought me what I needed. I hate anxiety, it has floored me. But sometimes it feels like the anxiety is transforming me. Against my will. It's certainly teaching me a lot about myself.

For a long time, I was meditating trying to control the anxiety. That didn't work. Lately I've been trying to just sit and expect nothing, not even mindfulness, just doing the opposite of control, accepting, watching. I hope when I do start adding the formal practice back in, it has more allow and less "you're overwhelming me, you need to change."

As a meditator, I'd like to know more about your practice and how you're approaching it. Could be helpful to my transforming practice.

I think the OP is a teacher, that likes to meditate. I think she just jumbled that sentence.