View Full Version : Yoga Nidra; a meditative practice; no bodily flexibility is needed.

05-01-2015, 04:17 AM
Many people have difficulty with the regular forms of meditation.

Those people who experience such difficulty may want to Yoga Nidra for a while. It takes into account the tendencies of the "chattering monkey" element of the mind, as well as background noise.

The mind can be like a naughty child: what we tell it to do; it won't! So sit, or recline comfortably in a room, which is neither cold nor too warm, in dim light, but not in pitch darkness, with fingertips pointed upwards, not touching anything. Take plenty of time with each section: to hurry in this exercise is to completely miss the point. If others are involved, take even longer (ask later whether they felt hurried, and adjust). You may prefer to make a voice recording with the following instructions:

Focus all your awareness on your right big toe .... .... then the other toes of the right foot ... .... then that foot ... .... the ankle............. the calf.............. the knee... .... the thigh ... .... Then left big toe...........then other left toes..........then that foot...........the ankle.............the calf.............the knee............the thigh...........

Then the right thumb...........then other fingers of the right hand............then the right wrist............the forearm...........the elbow............the upper arm............the right shoulder. Then the left thumb..............then the other fingers of the left hand............then the wrist..............the forearm..............the elbow..............the upper arm................then the left shoulder................then the head................then the chest.................then the abdomen.... ....Then, focus your attention on any sounds you can hear; aeroplanes, traffic noise, children, or dogs barking in the distance................. Then refocus your awareness on your right big toe....................the other toes, and repeat that sequence exactly as before. Next, focus your awareness on the thoughts which come into your mind. Now is not the time to follow those thoughts; just be aware of, and note them.

Then refocus your attention on your right big toe, and go through that sequence again..................... Next, refocus on anything you can hear.................. Then, once again, on your right big toe, and repeat that sequence. Then refocus on the thoughts coming into your mind..................... Keep repeating this process for around 20 minutes, at least. Eventually, the mind will tire of this, and reach a state of calm.

If you are tired, or physically fatigued, you may find yourself falling asleep. You may then go through the process again. If it occurs regularly, however, ensure you are getting adequate sleep, and not running a "sleep deficit", like so many people in modern Western society, who are materially rich, but time poor. Try practising it earlier in the day, when you are alert, and rested. Otherwise, it should be regarded as an attempt by the negative part of your mind to resist change, which it regards as moving into unknown territory: a frightening prospect, for some people. Exercise determination, and persevere with the process.

06-13-2015, 04:37 PM
I have issues with meditating in the sense that I feel bored while meditating and feel like I'm just sitting there while meditating.

06-13-2015, 09:59 PM
It is a body scan meditation, nothing new tons of it on you tube by ie Jon Kabat Zinn. To do it by some one it must to be learned. Written explanation for meditation does not exactly work but following someone voice helps to learn the trick :))
there is many form of meditation this is just one of them ;)

07-24-2015, 11:22 AM
Meditation is awesome, it has helped me a lot overcome my anxiety problems and has a lot of benefitial side effects