View Full Version : what happened? racing heart after alcohol.

04-30-2015, 08:47 PM
I'll just start by saying I have a history of anxiety issues and panic attacks. I rarely ever get then anymore but lately I've had a couple because I've been under a lot of stress. I haven't slept well the last 2 days. Maybe 2 hours yesterday and a few hours last night. Just couldn't stop my mind from thinking about stuff.

So today I got a gatorade and poured 2 shots of vodka in it and drank it in about 15-20 mins. I had a bit of a buzz and I got a cigarette from this guy and smoked it. I very rarely ever smoke... After I smoked it i sat down and noticed my heart was goin pretty fast. I tend to obsessively check my pulse sometimes. The pulse was normal and steady but fast and I felt pretty "wired" which I'd a feeling I don't like. I used my heart rate app and checked my pulse and it was 105-110 and all I was doing was just sitting... I kept checking it for about 15 minutes straight trying to get it back to normal. Finally the wired feeling started going away a bit and I checked it and focused on my breathing and it was 89, still sitting down.

What could have caused this rapid rate? The lack of sleep? Anxiety? I read online about svt and this holiday heart syndrome stuff and it freaks me out. I rarely drink anymore these days. My resting pulse is pretty low Btw at 50-55. I'm 25 years old 150 lbs. I juice vegetables everyday and take fish oil.

04-30-2015, 09:01 PM
Should also mention that when I got home I got 2 more shots and mixed them with some orange juice. I was feeling basically back to normal this time. I drank it and then about 40 mins later I noticed my rate was going pretty fast again! Seems like it started happening as the buzz was wearing off. Usually when I drink I get totally hammered and rarely just drink a little to get a buzz like this.

04-30-2015, 10:02 PM
Alcohol increases heart rate - it's a perfectly normal occurance. If you notice it and start getting anxious you'll make it race faster. The heart rate calms down over the next day after drinking and will be back to normal in the afternoon or evening.


05-01-2015, 03:07 AM
Yeah completely normal. It seems to be getting worse for me as I get older.