View Full Version : Depression

08-17-2008, 07:29 PM
I've suffered from depression since around 2000. It seems like I've been on every possible medication over the years. Recently anxiety has become a big problem for me.

09-15-2008, 03:28 PM
Do you have a question? I think you'd be surprised at how many people suffer from both anxiety AND depression on these boards. The anxiety may be caused by the depression not being effectively treating you causing irritability and the other symptoms of anxiety. Read some of the other posts around these boards and see how other people feel during their anxious periods. There's a difference bewteen stress and DISstress...most people suffering an anxiety disorder are in DISstress. I've been on lots of medications too by the way, but until you've tried them all (as well as lifestyle changes...even minor ones) you won't know for sure what works for you.

09-15-2008, 04:06 PM
Also, FAR too many people think there is some kind of pill out there that i just going to make it all go away. And why shouldn't they? Antidepressants are SO often trumpeted by doctors and TV ads as being your savior. But they almost never are. And they can be WORSE than useless. Also, you have to be somewhat proactive when it comes to dealing with problems like depression and anxiety. SO much of the time, doctors derail you here by telling you that you have a disease caused by a chemical imbalance resulting from genetics. This causes you to believe that there is NOTHING you can do about your problem. But I am willing to bet that things were probably not all hunky-dory before your depression started. Take a good look at what might have REALLY been wrong with your life before this all started, and try to do the best you can to try to deal with it (even if you can only do a little at this time). Oftentimes, the best possible cure for depression/anxiety is just trying to move forward with your life as best as you can, focusing as little thought as possible on your condition, and being patient with yourself (recovery is almost ALWAYS slow). This may sound a little old-fashioned and not very politically correct. But so much of the time, it works.

09-15-2008, 08:27 PM
That's very true Robbed. It's very important to see a therapist if you can to get to the root of your problems. It's amazing how I was able to pinpoint when my troubles actually began and how it was actually when I was very young. It's mainly from the way I grew up. There's nothing I can do to change that now, but it definitely helps knowing a "triggering" point in your life - the thing that made you realize how shitty you feel. Sometimes you can trace it back a lot farther with somebody else's help, it's amazing. And while you cant change the past, KNOWING when it all began and that you're not insane is VERY important because I think everybody on here has felt like they were crazy from their "feeling crazy" before getting professional help. It very well may be genetic that you have an imbalance, but it's how you deal with it that's most important. Anti-depressants don't always FIX the imbalance. But genetic or not, there's not always a quick fix for ANY condition.

09-16-2008, 12:47 AM
That's a good point: I was under the impression that I could just see a psychologist about my issues, that she'd diagnose me right then and there based on my evident symptoms, that she'd prescribe effective meds or at least spit out a few lines of epiphany to cure everything. Right then and there. That was in April. It's September, and my anxiety is still just as prevalent, and I'm figuring out that nothing can be fixed instantly.

I'm beginning to accept my anxiety as part of me and am opening up more to loved ones. It's nice knowing I'm not alone: thanks all of you contributing to this site. I feel these forums save people their anxiety (and even their lives) more than the public will ever know.

03-07-2009, 10:41 AM
dynamic goes this way (speaking of neurotic depression and or anxiety)

first anxiety is developed
one senses it mor eor less strong
if the conflict is not solved
aggression turns towards ones own self (instead of where it should be turned) and, togehther with ambivalece results in a depressive mood disorder.......


-medicaments (recently i discovered velafax being realy goon in resistant clients)
-psychotherapy, analytically orientated if the client is susceptible to it

so, try to find that kind of therapist. it lasts over a period of time (espacially is a mood disorder has lasted over a period of years - as here is since 2000)... if the treatment is going fine, maximum 5 sessions are needed in order to estimate the effects of this psychotherapy technique... medicaments we use as a crowch (is this the way to slepp that walking aid tools) and as the patrient is getting better, the medication is fir to be reduced and then completely excluded

if interested in info on psychotherapy etc. send me a message and i will provide u with a link (as a new one still cannot post those due to the spam prevention)

good luck!

04-01-2009, 05:35 AM
I am not a doctor, just sharing my personal experience as I have had depressions and anxiety for sometime. The best way to get over anxiety and depression is to take a break from your regular schedule, go out, and take good sleep. This helps in clearing the mind and try consulting a specialist who can suggest you as how you can get over your problem. There are various prescription drugs to get over anxiety and depression, but these should only be used in accordance with the instruction of a physician.

05-23-2009, 11:43 PM
The solution to a depression free life is to use all the tools available and let others help where they can. - therapy, self help, books, changed attitude, improved self esteem, friends. The mistake is that even if your conditions are reached you set new ones again and again. Decide to be happy now while you are working to achieve what you want and need.