View Full Version : Obsession/attachment/addiction over a friend?help.

04-29-2015, 03:37 PM
Hi there,this is my story,me 25y male and my friend 24y female,we are friends for over 1 year,all good untill 3 weeks ago when i started to have some feelings over her,i think its an obsession.

The thing is lately i miss her alot,think alot about her,im kinda needy i need attention from her,when i hang out with her i feel so good like im high and when im not with her or we don't talk on facebook i feel a little empty.
Another thing that tel me its obsession its that i enjoy to help her if i can,like im addicted to her,to be needed,sometimes im sad to think that in one day she will not need any help for me,so selfish here yeah i know.
Another thing is im not attracted to her in a romantic way,never thinked about loving her or things like that,she even have an boyfriend and im ok with that im never jealous when she is with him,im happy for her because i know she love him alot and also him love her much.I just want to be friends like we used to be.
I really don't want to cut her from my life forever she didn't do anything wrong,she is a good friend and always helped me if she could,oh man so many good memories,so many nice things that we did together.
Sometimes i get that feel you know when you wait the result of an important exam.

Maybe someone can help me to cut this obsession....

Mr Jingles
05-07-2015, 05:34 AM
What's worse for you, the obsession or your worrying that you might be obsessed? Has anything bad happened between you as a result, like her saying something?

What makes you so sure it's obsession?

I've felt what you describe when I was really smitten with someone. Of course, in my case, it was romantic love. But perhaps it's possible even in a platonic relationship.

You say "Another thing is I'm not attracted to her in a romantic way." Or perhaps the way you feel about her is changing, and that could explain feeling empty. Three weeks is not a long time... Hopefully things will change or you'll understand what's going on better.