View Full Version : Easy 2-Step Plan for Removing Anxiety

Phenibut God
04-29-2015, 02:09 PM
Plan of attack (aka. how to beat anxiety forever):

2 Steps

1) Phenibut

Miracle drug that is very cheap and very effective at removing anxiety. No prescription needed, this is one of the drugs that the FDA doesn't want you to know about.

2) Exposure therapy

Talk to as many people as possible. Hold conversations for as long as possible. Talk to anybody, even cops. Learn that nothing bad can happen.

If that sounds scary to you, you need the phenibut. The drug will work wonders for you and ENABLE you to do Step 2. After a while, Step 2 will be easier without phenibut. That's because anxiety is something you can remove over time, it's not permanent. You can remove it just like you can remove a dangerous addiction or learn to ride a bike.

To learn more about phenibut, you can Google my website, phenibutgod.

I'll let you know right up front: I make commission off some of the links there. But phenibut WORKS. Otherwise I wouldn't bother with this post.

04-29-2015, 03:16 PM
"Phenibut has a low tolerance, and can form a quick dependency."

So a short term solution much like a benzo and not a miracle cure as you claim? Anxiety is a symptom that tries to evoke change in us. masking it with drugs and trying to expose yourself to what provokes most anxiety are steps towards overcoming issues, but it's not the all out cure i'm afraid to say.


Phenibut God
04-29-2015, 04:45 PM
Never said miracle "cure." Said miracle "drug."

By today's pharmaceutical standards, with expensive dangerous prescriptions, it really is just that

but it's not the all out cure i'm afraid to say

That's what step 2 is for.

04-29-2015, 06:14 PM
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Phenibut God
04-29-2015, 06:28 PM
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Do you have evidence to back that up or are you just being silly

It's an antianxiety drug that is cheap, if you use it you will have decreased anxiety, then you lose the anxiety by exposure therapy

This isn't marketing or sales hype, you are free to do the research and read up on the drug yourself. But it sounds like you haven't.

Today someone will probably look up phenibut, buy it, use it, and decide it's pretty good.

04-29-2015, 07:55 PM
My thoughts on nootropics:

I like drugs and seem to have a weird knack for memorizing them. Phenibut rang a bell and it's been knocking around in my brain all day, then finally I remembered.
Phenibut is a nootropic central nervous system depressant and an acts as a GABA receptor inhibitor. It also moves around and does all kinds of funky stuff to your body much the same way a benzodiazepine does. Just like benzos it has an incredibly short half life (I think somewhere around 6 hours) and is both addictive and dangerous as all hell to stop taking.

This is where it really spells trouble. While it's cheap and been around since the 60's, the FDA won't touch this stuff with a 10 ft pole. In all the years it has been around there has been no verifiable evidence this nootropic's benefits outweigh the risk of stopping suddenly. It is not approved for clinical use in Europe either, and with a little Internet snooping discovered Amazon won't even sell it (and they sell unicorn meat AND scary fish heads in cans). In some countries it is used as a recreational drug because it both calms, and in higher doses brings about a sensation of euphoria with the possibility of hallucinations. Essentially this stuff is like a weak Xtab with a couple neurontins thrown in for good measure.
Believe me, man, I am not ripping on your product out of spite. I lived with an addict for a very long time and watched him come down on some scary stuff time and time again. I certainly wouldn't wish that fresh hell on anyone. A drug (or supplement as this is often tagged as) of this nature should really be taken under the direct observation of a doctor and without FDA approval, at least here in the states, you would be hard pressed to find one willing to put his neck out for the potential dangers this drug poses.

Phenibut God
04-29-2015, 08:37 PM

Have you ever even taken phenibut? You gave me a long speal about how you're afraid of it but all you have to do is Google Google Google and find tons of positive reviews on the stuff.

I've never had a serious withdrawal from phenibut. I've had "comedowns" but in all honesty my depressions (long ago) were worse and it's worth it.

Amazon won't sell "shrooms" either even though I've had friends (just like you have friends) whose lives have changed for the better because of the stuff.

Anyway for those of you afraid of this drug just take alcohol and then do Step 2. Same process. You'll run into some potential memory loss but it's better than LIVING IN CONSTANT FEAR.

04-29-2015, 09:19 PM
I tried shrooms one time when I was much younger. I simply don't have the brain that gets along with hallucinagens. It was a terrible experience, and my narrow world view dictates there would only be a select few that would actually benefit from the use of them. BTW the high you feel from psilocybin is in actuality your body having a severe reaction to being posioned. That is neither here nor there.
I can't say whether or not this stuff you're peddling would be beneficial to someone else. Who knows, it very well could be someone's saving grace if used responsibly... it's the using responsibly part that gets to be tricky.
It's not about being being afraid of it, it's about being careful. I've been locked up in fear and I've been dead, and I gotta say I'd rather be afraid than dead again. Fear can be fixed, I can't fix dead.
I had a look over the website you cited, and while the risk of dependency is addressed, it's like an after thought. I couldn't find any pertinent information on exactly the chemical composition, the way it acts in the body, any real medical citation other than personal testimony. Dude... that's scary to me.
If you want to promote it as a recreational supplement, sure, but why on earth put in front if people potential vulnerable to influence without being up front about the true mechanics of it?
It works for anxiety or it doesn't, it's not the information given about it that concerns me, but the lack thereof.

Phenibut God
04-29-2015, 09:28 PM
I'm not going to address this post. You're an adult and can do your own research on phenibut's chemical composition. Use it or don't.

04-29-2015, 10:37 PM
Phenibut can be really dangerous actually. I took a bit too much but I have a very high tolerance for drugs and it made me incredibly sick. I was vomiting and passing out for about 12 hours. I've never had this reaction with even things like morphine. I'd never take it again.

I'd much rather benzos despite the addictive effects. Never had any adverse effects with them even at high doses.

04-29-2015, 11:24 PM
I'm not going to address this post. You're an adult and can do your own research on phenibut's chemical composition. Use it or don't.

Alright there, PanicCured. Chill out...

04-30-2015, 04:44 AM
Alright there, PanicCured. Chill out...

^^^^ Just another reason why I missed this place ^^^^^

04-30-2015, 04:50 AM
Phenibut can be really dangerous actually. I took a bit too much but I have a very high tolerance for drugs and it made me incredibly sick. I was vomiting and passing out for about 12 hours. I've never had this reaction with even things like morphine. I'd never take it again.

I'd much rather benzos despite the addictive effects. Never had any adverse effects with them even at high doses.

Smoking is addictive and people do it all the time. Know anyone like that, Gypsy? 😆

I believe benzos get a bad wrap about being addictive. I realise that some people have had a terrible time with withdraws so I am not completely dismissing it

But most will take benzos for the time they need them and have little or no withdraw from them

Again, I am not trying to start a debate on their addiction potential since I know it is real

Just doesn't seem to affect as many people as you would be led to believe, at least based on the many I know who have taken them. Yours truly included

I miss Xanax. In a pinch, when the kids were being an extra special pain in the ass, dropping a Xanax was like having three glasses of wine within 2 minutes.

Serenity now

04-30-2015, 05:02 AM
Smoking is addictive and people do it all the time. Know anyone like that, Gypsy? ��

I believe benzos get a bad wrap about being addictive. I realise that some people have had a terrible time with withdraws so I am not completely dismissing it

But most will take benzos for the time they need them and have little or no withdraw from them

Again, I am not trying to start a debate on their addiction potential since I know it is real

Just doesn't seem to affect as many people as you would be led to believe, at least based on the many I know who have taken them. Yours truly included

I miss Xanax. In a pinch, when the kids were being an extra special pain in the ass, dropping a Xanax was like having three glasses of wine within 2 minutes.

Serenity now

I've been chain smoking with excitement since I saw you back on the forum!

Phenibut God
04-30-2015, 07:06 AM
I was vomiting and passing out for about 12 hours.

I've never heard anyone have this reaction. I've taken 4-5 grams before and this still didn't happen.

how much did you take?

04-30-2015, 07:52 AM
In the years , many years I practice studying and practicing herbs' healing, the fungi is not good and it is used to change of one view and eventual answers. Never, ever used for anxiety, rather causing anxiety. Dear OP you are playing with fire. Drugs, are not miracle drugs. Any drugs have side effect, even the innocent Mint tea can be drink twice a week not more. Due the cause of forcing the gallbladder to produce more bile.
OP people like you are the reason doctors will not give ativan or xanax to the ones who needed.

04-30-2015, 08:49 AM
I've never heard anyone have this reaction. I've taken 4-5 grams before and this still didn't happen.

how much did you take?

I'm not sure to be honest. That stuff tastes absolutely disgusting so it can't have been THAT much. But as I say, I've taken large amounts of stuff like morphine and even Seroquel and not been half as sick as phenibut made me. I felt like I'd been seriously poisoned. Maybe it had something else in it, I don't know. Maybe I had a freak reaction to it. But I trust pharmaceuticals way more than these kinds of "supplements".

04-30-2015, 08:52 AM
I'm not sure to be honest. That stuff tastes absolutely disgusting so it can't have been THAT much. But as I say, I've taken large amounts of stuff like morphine and even Seroquel and not been half as sick as phenibut made me. I felt like I'd been seriously poisoned. Maybe it had something else in it, I don't know. Maybe I had a freak reaction to it. But I trust pharmaceuticals way more than these kinds of "supplements".

Also, I heard recently the TGA are going to schedule it so it's way harder to get (I'm in Australia). I said "good, that shit should be banned" lol.

Phenibut God
04-30-2015, 12:03 PM
Also, I heard recently the TGA are going to schedule it so it's way harder to get (I'm in Australia). I said "good, that shit should be banned" lol.

Sounds like you're an outlier then. No offense.

the fungi is not good

Phenibut is not a fungi.

04-30-2015, 08:00 PM
All mushrooms are fungi:))) biology class my dear

04-30-2015, 11:11 PM
Nice to see you Nixon. I joined the "Bring back Nixon" Rally when you left. :)

04-30-2015, 11:51 PM
Sounds like you're an outlier then. No offense.

Phenibut is not a fungi.

No offence taken :)

05-01-2015, 08:19 AM
Nice to see you Nixon. I joined the "Bring back Nixon" Rally when you left. :)

Well hello, Ponder!

Always a pleasure!

Phenibut God
05-01-2015, 09:03 AM
Does anyone moderate this forum? This is not on topic

05-01-2015, 11:54 AM
Does anyone moderate this forum? This is not on topic


The prisoners run the asylum

05-01-2015, 12:12 PM
And this asylum is great.. I even scored a super neat belted jacket... except the sleeves are way too long. I like giving myself a hug tho.

05-01-2015, 12:33 PM
If you think this is off topic, wait until 1Bluerose68 joins the thread.

05-01-2015, 03:05 PM

The prisoners run the asylum

Reminds me of one of those Prison Island Movies. Passes the panic merchant a box of matches to light a fire and says "don't worry I'll be back in the morning with some GABA to keep your CNS in check. Withdrawals are OK dude. SHHHHHH .... More prisoners will be arriving soon. Keep your head down!"

05-01-2015, 04:04 PM
Does anyone moderate this forum? This is not on topic

There was a moderator, but some new guy suggested he try Phenibut and in a moment of weakness he took the suggestion. He immediately went nuts and is now locked up someplace. So, alas, we are left to our own devices. Morale of the story: Don't take medications without consulting a doctor first, and never take any medication that ends with "but"!

05-01-2015, 07:14 PM
If you think this is off topic, wait until 1Bluerose68 joins the thread.

Phenibut God
05-01-2015, 08:03 PM
Don't take medications without consulting a doctor first, and never take any medication that ends with "but"!

Phenibut is over the counter for a reason.

would you also consult your doctor every time you wanted to drink alcohol?

05-01-2015, 08:19 PM
Phenibut is over the counter for a reason.

OTC does not mean "not dangerous." It does however mean less regulated. There are potential side effects and serious potential drug interactions. So yes it would be prudent to consult a doctor before trying phenibut. And one should NEVER take a medication simply because some anonymous internet poster proclaims it as the next miracle cure. We have all sorts of snake oil salesmen coming around here -- one every few weeks -- with no history here -- trying to convince us of the perfect pill to solve all our problems. A healthy dose of skepticism is warranted in all such cases.

05-01-2015, 09:50 PM
Naproxen which can cause stomach bleeding when there is any damage to the tissue, is over the counter now. It should not be taken when you have any problems with digestive system but it is OTC

Phenibut God
05-01-2015, 10:37 PM
There are potential side effects and serious potential drug interactions.

There are potential side effects with ANY drug. that will never change. Phenibut IS a miracle pill, but it's not a magic pill. you can't take it every day and you can't take more than the recommended dose.

If you use phenibut responsibly, it is NOT that dangerous. It's certainly not as bad as hard-hitters like Adderall or antidepressants. But instead of arguing with you, howabout you check out this article here: phenibutgod.com/dependency/

05-02-2015, 05:53 AM
There are potential side effects with ANY drug. that will never change. Phenibut IS a miracle pill, but it's not a magic pill. you can't take it every day and you can't take more than the recommended dose.

If you use phenibut responsibly, it is NOT that dangerous. It's certainly not as bad as hard-hitters like Adderall or antidepressants. But instead of arguing with you, howabout you check out this article here: phenibutgod.com/dependency/

From WebMD

There is not enough information to know if phenibut is safe. It has not been studied in people.
Special Precautions & Warnings:
Pregnancy and breast-feeding: not enough is known about the use of phenibut during pregnancy and breast-feeding. stay on the safe side and avoid use.

05-02-2015, 02:15 PM
Pub Med article addressing a dependency case. An interesting read.
