View Full Version : Moving with anxiety...

04-29-2015, 10:35 AM
I've found out that I have anxiety this past year and it's made everything very difficult. It has been manageable since I started lexapro to try an keep it at a base level until I can understand my triggers and how to keep it under control. Now I'm moving in a few days and its rearing its ugly head again. I get anxious often but it goes away shortly after, now i have chest tightness and feel awful the way I did when this all started. I know that moving is very stressful and this is my first time doing it. I'm mostly just worried that I'll panic while I'm moving and I won't have my safe place to go relax.. when I get super anxious I always go to our bed room and lie down and distract myself with my laptop...Soon I won't have the option to do that and its scary. I told my boyfriend about this and he just tells me to stop and that Ill be fine, but we all know that doesn't work.

Any tips on how to deal?

04-30-2015, 04:35 AM
I've found out that I have anxiety this past year and it's made everything very difficult. It has been manageable since I started lexapro to try an keep it at a base level until I can understand my triggers and how to keep it under control. Now I'm moving in a few days and its rearing its ugly head again. I get anxious often but it goes away shortly after, now i have chest tightness and feel awful the way I did when this all started. I know that moving is very stressful and this is my first time doing it. I'm mostly just worried that I'll panic while I'm moving and I won't have my safe place to go relax.. when I get super anxious I always go to our bed room and lie down and distract myself with my laptop...Soon I won't have the option to do that and its scary. I told my boyfriend about this and he just tells me to stop and that Ill be fine, but we all know that doesn't work.

Any tips on how to deal?

As hard as it may be for me to reply to a potential Steelers fan, I shall give it a go. Go Ravens, by the way!

Moving is stressful and stress will always give your anxiety an opportunity to say hello and let you know that it missed you

Having a safe place is an illusion, much like anxiety itself. You don't need a particular place to be in order to calm yourself unless you have taught yourself to actually believe that

Panic starts and stops regardless of where you are or who you are with. If you fear you may have an attack in a certain situation, anxiety is more than happy to oblige and usually does

The key to stop panic is to stop fearing a potential attack. You will have enough of them at some point where they just stop being scary. Once you take the fear away, panic is helpless to bother you

If you feel one coming or have an attack while you are moving, don't stop what you are doing. Push right through it as you never felt it to begin with and watch how quickly it stops

Invite us all to your house warming party

We party like Rockstars

04-30-2015, 08:04 AM
Welcome to the forum. I agree with above. Just to make you better I am almost without the place to go. I can stay where I am it does cause a lot of stress for me. In addition I am old and I have enough of that anxiety shit and life shit. I would switch with you anytime. You will overcome the anxiety somehow and live a good life. There is not safe place anywhere. The only safe place is in you mind, use it:))