View Full Version : Weird falling feeling in my head

04-27-2015, 07:58 PM
I'm not sure what this is, has anyone else experienced this?

It started a couple years ago. I noticed it when I was working at my computer, I would feel like I was falling and I'd have to catch myself, but I wasn't dizzy or light headed. The falling feeling is the only way I know to describe it but I know it's not exact. So the feeling would come on all of a sudden and then I would grasp on to my chair or desk and try to make it go away, then it would pass. sometimes it would happen when I was doing other things. I remember watching fireworks and I was standing up and I would get this waves of this feeling like I was afraid to look up and I felt like my mind was falling away.

The closest that I can think of that comes close to describe the sensation is when you are on the brink of falling asleep and you sort of catch yourself before you actually fall asleep. However all the times I felt this I was wide awake in the day time.

Then later I started taking B complex vitamin and it subsided and eventually went away.

I felt it again recently but it is different. Like when I tried to concentrate on some complex thought process to solve a problem I would get this feeling like my brain couldn't cope or I wanted to jump out of my skin and had to stop what i was doing. Then my anxiety developed and I started taking supplements which helped make me more calm and focused.

However tonight when I was trying to do a complex task involving a musical instrument (during practice) and again I felt that falling loss of concentration feeling for a brief moment, like my brain was so over excited that I needed to stop the task.

I've told so many doctors about this but they don't understand what it is I'm trying to describe and just ignore it, I'm ok now, better than before, but it still worries me. Like what if there is something neurologically wrong in my brain.