View Full Version : Crying out but noones listening

08-17-2008, 12:09 PM
I'm really fucking struggling, i really don't know how much longer i can take feeling like this.

I don't know what to do anymore.

08-17-2008, 03:18 PM
Hang in there buddy...i've been there and i feel your desperation. Draw strength from where you can...from this forum, from friends, from family, get to your gp first thing tomorrow. Everything is stacked in your favour, there's so much help available. Don't give in...we're all warriors battling the unseen, our strength is the only thing that keeps is going. We're strong people but cant go on forever on our own so draw strength from elsewhere..speak to someone, ring samaritans if need be...you will be fine.

Just when you think you're at the end of your tether you will find hope, its in us all. Say a prayer, even if you don't believe, ask for what you need; you've had it before...you werent born like this...you have the ability to return there, its not alien to you...just lost.
Get yourself down on the floor...do press ups and burn off some adrenalin, try it...it can help...do it till you cant push no more.Still anxious? start doing sit ups, etc...
Remember GP tomorrow...the night can be dark and difficult, but there's always someone to talk to.

Chin up...you have a bright future, you have hope...as long as there's tomorrow there's another chance to try again.

My motto? Carry on. Its that simple...however difficult it is, Carry on.

We humans are made of sterner stuff than you'd ever believe. Our problems are caused by chemicals in our brains...but we are greater than the sum of our parts...its our body after all.

I'll be on here for a while so get in touch if need be.

08-26-2008, 09:47 AM
Vinnydude: It's a real shame how you feel, but let me tell you.. your not the only one.... and you will get over this, whether it takes 5 years.. Treat it as a challenge, not a problem.... 'I will get through this, It just takes time'

I not sure how you are dealing with this, but the best thing you can do is just 'live' and go out as much as you can... the more you stay at home and simply do nothing, the worse cycle gets and the more you will feel completely hopeless.. ALL you can do at the moment is just to accept the thoughts as much as you can and just keep going, you will get over this, trust me, it just takes time!

Ive never suffered with depression, but it is similar to anxiety, which i suffered for 4 years and have recently recovered... I cried everyday for years.... I just continued to live and i was so determinded to conquer and get through it!

I also found that talking to people about how i felt was so good!

09-22-2008, 03:07 AM
Hey Vinny, here's some quick advice for you. If things are really THAT bad, then start getting rid of the things that make your depression so bad. If your wife's a constant source of depression either go to counseling, go on a break, or break it off. If it's work, quit! Find another job or a different job in the same company. Use whatever mechanisms you can to make yourself happy again. If you had cancer you'd do whatever it takes to stay alive. Do the same with depression!!! It's a legitimate disease that's worse than others in some cases because nobody understands the severity of your feelings. They just throw you an anti-depressant that sometimes works, sometimes doesnt, and in some cases can make you feel worse and more hopeless becauase youve tried a few and none of them helped. People at work think that I'm "normal" but I'm far from it. The best advice I ever got from anybody on ANY subject that can cause problems or stress is to take it one day at a time...and if that's too hard, try it one HOUR at a time, or even 15 minutes at a time. Make sure you take time for yourself and do things that releax you - old hobbies, new hobbies, etc.