View Full Version : wearing a bra to bed bad???

04-27-2015, 07:41 PM
Is wearing a sports bra to bed bad? anyone else wear one to bed?

04-27-2015, 07:48 PM
I wear a normal bra to bed every night. I can't stand not wearing one lol

04-27-2015, 08:04 PM
I'm a guy, so I only usually wear one when I'm sleeping over at Bruce Jenner's house.

04-27-2015, 08:17 PM
I'm a guy, so I only usually wear one when I'm sleeping over at Bruce Jenner's house.

Omg!! Lmao

04-27-2015, 08:56 PM
I used to wear a regular to bed nightly as I feared the middle age "pendulum" boobs... only to find my years of discomfort to be for naught. Old age is coming whether I want it or not. Set those fun bags free, you'll sleep more soundly, before it's too late and being braless becomes a whole new sensation of wrong.

04-27-2015, 09:01 PM
I'm a guy, so I only usually wear one when I'm sleeping over at Bruce Jenner's house.

P.S. Omg, you've been too a Jenner sleepover too?!! The snacks were always so great, but after I woke up half naked next to a passed out Peter Dinklage in the hatch of an '83 Mercury lynx dressed as Easter bunnies I decided perhaps the pharmaceutical punch a little too strong for my constitution.

04-27-2015, 10:46 PM
I wear a soft support bra round the dorm until I actually go to sleep. Then in my privacy of my room, i take my bra and fling it cross the room and into the hamper for a washing. No, i only wear bras for my comfort and support. Only when round others for sake of respect to others. But gee i never wear a bra to bed. Its just not comfortable for my chest it feels like too much pressure on my ribs as i lay down to sleep at night. I would try using a softer type bra to bed in lieu of a more supportive sports bra. Its just more comfortable and sports bras are quite clingy from the stretchy material they are made of. To me, wearing a sports bra to bed would border on sadistic self injury. Good Luck.....

04-27-2015, 10:52 PM
I don't get it? Yal movie stars or something. I thought this site was for "Ordinary folks" not the Hollywood types?????Bruce Jenner ,ha???I pity the poor guy. If I was his wife i would take his credit cards and med insurance and hide them from mhim, and then stick his butt in rehab. I think he's hooked on ectasy or some strong mind altering steroid that is making him make weird decisions......You know like the major decision to change into a woman. He could just role play w/ his wife, and purchase a giant Barbie doll to fantasize over and play with her hair and all???He use to be my hero, and honestly I have been having really weird nightmares since all the news about his crazy change of personality and lifestyle, and it REALLY disappoints me too.

04-28-2015, 02:17 AM
I always have because I have big boobs and feel yuck without a bra. I actually think it helps keep them gravity-defying too because I'm doing pretty well in that department lol.