View Full Version : Feeling Anxious over My Newly Bloated," Jelly Belly."

04-27-2015, 07:15 PM
I have been working out so hard on my weight loss. I had re-gained 20 Lbs after losing 65 Lbs 7 yrs ago. The 20 was regained w/in the last 3 yrs though. Anyhow, I have been working so hard on toning up areas like my abdominal belly area and my hips and also my thighs.I felt like I was back in Total Control again over my weight problemo; my ribs were even beginning to stick out a tad which to me is an indicator of success in my gym workouts and appetite control measures too....? Then in the last 2 days i just noticed all this excess water or jiggly feeling all in my belly area. I haven't been eating too much and cant figure out why Im so bloated like 1 week after my period. So YES I am paniking over this new gain in water and NOT sure what to do. I am currently taking extra OTC water pills and drinking water with flax in it to move my bowels faster, if thats the problem.....Any suggestions.

04-29-2015, 07:10 AM
I have been working out so hard on my weight loss. I had re-gained 20 Lbs after losing 65 Lbs 7 yrs ago. The 20 was regained w/in the last 3 yrs though. Anyhow, I have been working so hard on toning up areas like my abdominal belly area and my hips and also my thighs.I felt like I was back in Total Control again over my weight problemo; my ribs were even beginning to stick out a tad which to me is an indicator of success in my gym workouts and appetite control measures too....? Then in the last 2 days i just noticed all this excess water or jiggly feeling all in my belly area. I haven't been eating too much and cant figure out why Im so bloated like 1 week after my period. So YES I am paniking over this new gain in water and NOT sure what to do. I am currently taking extra OTC water pills and drinking water with flax in it to move my bowels faster, if thats the problem.....Any suggestions.

Congrats on working out. I have just started back after an 7 month absence and a 20 pound weight due to an injury. The bloated feel can be anything... food changes..more veggies..dairy, gas etc or could just simply be water, you are probably just drinking more, it goes away by itself. I'm unmarried guy so I can't speak to the whole period thing. But as a guy there are times I feel more blotted than others...it could just be salt intake...sometime s with "diets" or "diet foods" salt extra salt is added for flavor which can lead to bloating/swelling. I am no expert...but ditch any type of diet foods...you can't do them the rest of you life. Eat whole unprocessed foods, 40% protein and evenly divide( as close as you don't sweat it to much) last 60% between complex carbs and healthy natural fats. Calculate what calories you need to maintain current weight, then set your calorie count below maintenance to your target weight. Don't do more than 20 lbs at a time..10 is easier. Eating whole unprocessed foods will make you feel full. Do this for 8 weeks, then eat at maintenance for 2 weeks and start eating below until you reach you goal. I bought this program a couple of years ago and had great success, i could kick myself for the weight gain while I was injured..stress eating, I know better. If you want name of program PM me, I'm not sure if its allowed to name something this site.

Also allow yourself on day to eat an extra 1000 calories...thats your cheat day...I save mine for Friday, thats generally when I go out with friends and have a drink or two. Stay away from beer, hard ailes and wine...lost of cals, sugar and empty carbs. Stick to liquor..same effect but less calories...example shot of gin, soda water(no cals) and a squeeze of lemon. After 4 liquor drinks, you are not going to feel any more "relaxed" so there is no need to drink more than 4.

I am currently eating 1450 cals a day..never hungry and I often do not eat my max cals, don't stuff yourself. I only eat two meals a day...lunch and supper, I fast from time I get up at 6am until lunch at 12 only have black coffee before that. Good Luck.

05-05-2015, 10:52 PM
Thanks for the healthy diet tips...

Mr Jingles
05-07-2015, 07:29 AM
I've been worried about bloating also this last month. So you have a bloating buddy. The worst part is I can't tell if it's bloating, weight gain, or yet another weird anxiety symptom. It could be weight gain. After a tough day, my body can be so tired from adrenaline and sometimes I get the night munchies.

You said " I felt like I was back in Total Control again over my weight problem." I notice that my anxiety seems to know the areas I want that total control and it goes after them. It's like a sibling knowing how to push my buttons.

Is it like that for you? Seems like the weight and fitness is very important or sensitive to you. If so, I hope the anxiety stops pushing your buttons soon.

05-07-2015, 07:37 AM
It's like a sibling knowing how to push my buttons.

That sibling is you, face it. The self talk and sabotage is conditioning from a faulty belief system. And so you create this 'sibling' (a mental projection) to confront (or run from), you understand. Rather than facing self and responsibility for what you create, think, and feel. Now, conditioning (your beliefs as a result, how you feel about you and the world) is usually (influenced by) parental or family/friends, one or a combination, recognizing this you can begin to examine the contents of your mind for validity in conjunction with past physical experiences.

You may have forgotten much, or simply blocked it out. This is true for everyone, I am just using your post as an example.

Regardless, one does not get anxious over a 'jelly-belly', one is anxious (generally speaking), and then creates those experiences (projects outward) to corroborate how he/she already feels inside. this is clear thinking. The general belief 'I am stuck with these extra pounds' will create that experience, for example. It is always the belief first, mentally before physical.