View Full Version : constant anxiety

04-27-2015, 04:14 PM
What's the longest you have had an episode of anxiety? I've been on my 8th day of nonstop anxiety and fear I will not get better. I'm on meds. Cymbalta for depression, seroquel for sleep and anxiety, and klonopin.

04-27-2015, 04:33 PM
Probably like a week to a week and a half. My anxiety and depression cycle back and forth (yay) but I've never gone much more than a week or so with one or the other. I'm on Cymbalta as well. Why are you convinced things won't get better?

04-27-2015, 07:16 PM
About 3 weeks was my longest. Barely got out of bed the whole time. Thankfully at that point I found a med that works. God only knows where I'd be if I hadn't.

04-27-2015, 09:12 PM
December 14th 2013 to March 30, 2014... I remember the dates because that was the proverbial straw that broke the camels back for me. On the 14th of December I visited my husband's grave for the first time since the funeral where I stood silently listening to his family discuss all the ways his death was entirely my fault.
Anxiety and depression both kept me cowering in my house, hiding under my bed when someone knocked on the door, crying when the phone rang, sitting in strange places for hours in fear that moving would somehow kill me.
March the 30th was the day I talked about how I felt about his death with anyone. It's been mostly uphill since.

04-28-2015, 05:27 AM
The following post is for everyone, not just the OP to whom i address directly. Where you see the word 'Sal' or 'you', replace it with your name, and 'me'.

What's the longest you have had an episode of anxiety? I've been on my 8th day of nonstop anxiety and fear I will not get better. I'm on meds. Cymbalta for depression, seroquel for sleep and anxiety, and klonopin.

Whats going on in your life Sal?


What has your life been about?

Each one of these listed is a topic in itself.

Relationships, period
Work, period.
Social life, period.

And so forth:

Growing up
Death of loved ones

How do you feel about you?


Do you blame anyone for anything?

*Abuse (mental, physical, sexual)
Hate (fear)

Do you feel bad or lament endlessly about your past, things you have done wrong or not done (regret, guilt). Do you feel you hurt someone or many people by your actions? People that loved you, or were you hurt by those that you love, but let you down or abandoned you emotionally or physically.

Talk soon, if you wish. If not, do some earnest soul-searching within yourself, answering these questions honestly, alone or with a trusted friend, love (companion), or therapist.

Its closing in on your time to live again by getting to the work you have been putting off (for years), do you understand what I mean by that?

Maybe you don't know where to start, you feel helpless or powerless under the weight of the conditions. Or you just can't figure it out, so you try a med for each and every symptom. A pill for this, a pill for that.

Each choice in life is like the firing of a bullet. Once you pull the trigger the trajectory is set. The bullet will travel through all of those experiences in its path. Now, the only way to change a 'course' (the course of your life), is through different choices. Which require different thoughts. You must be able to have a thought you wouldn't normally have, you see. And so the start to all of this is desire.

You must accept the idea "where I am today is where my choices have taken me, where my thoughts have led me"

Each choice (bullet fired) has a start > finish.

Now, it gets a little complicated because each moment is filled with so many choices, so many guns fired at once! When ones every choice is congruent toward a goal or purpose, magical things happen.

And on the other hand, to 'have' anxiety one must have made the choices (or lack of decisions) that lead to the experience of it. Even now I hear most of you in denial, "blasphemy, anxiety or my illness was not a choice !"

04-28-2015, 10:43 AM
Probably like a week to a week and a half. My anxiety and depression cycle back and forth (yay) but I've never gone much more than a week or so with one or the other. I'm on Cymbalta as well. Why are you convinced things won't get better?

Because the only time it was this bad was 14 years ago, when I first had my panic attack and had no idea what was going on.

04-28-2015, 10:51 AM
The following post is for everyone, not just the OP to whom i address directly. Where you see the word 'Sal' or 'you', replace it with your name, and 'me'.

Whats going on in your life Sal?


What has your life been about?

Each one of these listed is a topic in itself.

Relationships, period
Work, period.
Social life, period.

And so forth:

Growing up
Death of loved ones

How do you feel about you?


Do you blame anyone for anything?

*Abuse (mental, physical, sexual)
Hate (fear)

Do you feel bad or lament endlessly about your past, things you have done wrong or not done (regret, guilt). Do you feel you hurt someone or many people by your actions? People that loved you, or were you hurt by those that you love, but let you down or abandoned you emotionally or physically.

Talk soon, if you wish. If not, do some earnest soul-searching within yourself, answering these questions honestly, alone or with a trusted friend, love (companion), or therapist.

Its closing in on your time to live again by getting to the work you have been putting off (for years), do you understand what I mean by that?

Maybe you don't know where to start, you feel helpless or powerless under the weight of the conditions. Or you just can't figure it out, so you try a med for each and every symptom. A pill for this, a pill for that.

Each choice in life is like the firing of a bullet. Once you pull the trigger the trajectory is set. The bullet will travel through all of those experiences in its path. Now, the only way to change a 'course' (the course of your life), is through different choices. Which require different thoughts. You must be able to have a thought you wouldn't normally have, you see. And so the start to all of this is desire.

You must accept the idea "where I am today is where my choices have taken me, where my thoughts have led me"

Each choice (bullet fired) has a start > finish.

Now, it gets a little complicated because each moment is filled with so many choices, so many guns fired at once! When ones every choice is congruent toward a goal or purpose, magical things happen.

And on the other hand, to 'have' anxiety one must have made the choices (or lack of decisions) that lead to the experience of it. Even now I hear most of you in denial, "blasphemy, anxiety or my illness was not a choice !"

Thank you I'm going to write a list of the answers, your questioning, then I'll comeback with some answers.

04-28-2015, 12:21 PM
Thank you I'm going to write a list of the answers, your questioning, then I'll comeback with some answers.

Yes, indeed.

What happened 14 years ago emotionally before your first attack? Another words what triggered it, was it ongoing trauma, unresolved issues? Maybe a situation you created that you regret. What were you running from? Perhaps you felt guilty - or maybe you always had a foreboding overall outlook. Did you feel safe and secure in the world? Loved?

How did you feel about life in general as a young child ?

You can piece this together like a puzzle.

When you find yourself, all this will be over.

04-29-2015, 09:29 AM
Thank you for your post. Think I'm going to write a list of those answers myself. Perhaps it will help me figure a few things out.