View Full Version : i have not had an attack today because

08-17-2008, 11:11 AM
I was talking to a guy yesterday and he gave me this

go 2 youtube. find user beachyboy2 its a guy with grey hair, and it worked for me today so far.....
not sure if i will go allday without an attck but might.

08-17-2008, 01:29 PM
its still working

08-17-2008, 05:51 PM
Glad to see that it's working. It will continue to work as long as you stay in the mind of someone who is ok and not a victim of anxiety. Remember, you can not occupy 2 states of mind at once. Pick the better and reside in it permanently


08-18-2008, 09:01 AM
Thanks CJ

Well, i ot up this morning did everything on you youtube video saying i was afraid ofhaving an attack, afraid to go out, and it really is working, I am sitting here at work and have not had any negitive thoughts so far today.

08-18-2008, 09:48 AM
I'd highly recommend taking a serious look at what your eating, drinking. Cut out all caffine, diet sodas too. Aspartame turns into formaldehyde in the blood. It's frign poison and I know you ladies love to drink it.

Caffine is a big no no as well.

Low fat BS diet crap is horrendous for your mental state as well.

If you'd like to learn more ask.

08-18-2008, 01:42 PM
The changes I have made in my diet (gi-normous amounts of fruits/veggies, fish and chicken), as well as starting my workout routines over the last two weeks have helped alot!

Three weeks ago I couldn't drink coffee at all or I would have to deal with several hours of anxiety/panic attacks.

I am back now to being able to drink a small/medium coffee in the morning and just staying on my guard for a bit. I figure it is best to confront these triggers head on rather than simply avoid them. One day a trigger may appear that cannot be avoided and knowing how to confront it will be key.

I even ate McDonalds the other day (gasp!). A few weeks ago I would have anxiety for several hours after eating unhealthy food. I think I had about 5minutes of anxiety and just kept reminding myself that fast food in moderation would not kill me.

08-18-2008, 03:06 PM
Be very careful what you eat. I screwed up myself royally by going 80% raw for almost a year.


Tryptophan supplements have helped me immensely 2000mg at bed and tyrosine in the am. I'm down to like 1/2 of a .5mg of klonazepam before I have to drive anywhere. Crap use to exhaust me but the tryosine 2000mg in the afternoon makes me feel like superman.

Don't let anyone tell you eggs are bad either. When I'm feeling run down and anxious, I make 1-3 scrambled and BAM, I'm back in 10 minutes.

Ground turkey with worcestershire sause as well and I'm doing my usual spinach / carrott / cherry shakes in the afternoon with water. Good multivitamin 2x a day. Omega 3 fish oil, b complex.

All this has saved my life basically.

08-18-2008, 03:58 PM
My diet is very bad, i only like chicken breast, steak/beef roasted. i love veg and fruit but because i am so busy on a daily basis , i might only eat crisps and a chocolate bar, or baked beans on toast some days. i am such a fussy eater.
I drink about 30 cups of milky tea a day....
if sone one gave me a diet sheet to stick to i could do it.

however that u tube thing has been good

08-18-2008, 05:43 PM
My diet is very bad, i only like chicken breast, steak/beef roasted. i love veg and fruit but because i am so busy on a daily basis , i might only eat crisps and a chocolate bar, or baked beans on toast some days. i am such a fussy eater.
I drink about 30 cups of milky tea a day....
if sone one gave me a diet sheet to stick to i could do it.

however that u tube thing has been good

Chocolate, bread, crisps are crap. 30 cups of tea? OMG. With sugar? Tea has caffine too, and if your drinking 30 cups a day. HOLY SH*T. I get anxiety from 2 cups of tea, nevermind 30.

Here's the deal, you must first recognize that what you eat, like it or not, greatly affects your mind, more than you can imagine.

Secondly you must come to grips with the fact that food is a necessity, not an enjoyment. I made peace with the fact that not every meal has to taste like baby back ribs drenched in sugary bbq sauce. I'm trying to get my wife off the boxed foods. It affects her weight and energy but thank God she's an angel. Same mood all the time, unlike me.

I'm at the point where I WILL NOT eat anything out of a box, period. I will blend spinach, apples and carrots with water and drink them to get my vegetables. Like I said, EGGS EGGS EGGS. They are packed with nutrients and protein (amino's) that help produce seratonin.

You are most likely low on seratonin because of the garbage your putting in your body. I hate to sound harsh, I just don't sugar coat stuff. I tell it like it is. Make up your mind. Garbage food and mental problems, or good good and mental health.


08-19-2008, 10:40 AM
Lol, thought that would make go Holy SH8T
well i ahve been very good today, i have had a chicken sandwich...no crisps or choclate, i did have a handful of nuts.
I am now cooking roast beef, potatoes and lots of veg... i have only had 5 teas so far, but only because they were made for me...bad excuse i know


08-20-2008, 03:32 AM
I have just started takin multi vitamins, plus a dose of vit B compound strong. Not sure about the B vit tho,dont know much about it

My lunch today ( which i made before leaving work is ) Chicken sandwich, 1 banana, 2 necterines, 2 yoghurts and a pear.

If anyone as a good diet sheet i could stick to pass it on... Oh i hate eggs. and cannot eat fish. : (

08-20-2008, 03:53 AM
Oh i hate eggs. and cannot eat fish. : (

Same here. Eggs and fish are the LAST things I would EVER eat! Fortunately for us, neither eggs nor fish are a necessity for ANYTHING. If you like them, then fine. But all the nutrients in eggs and fish can be gotten from other foods. For instance, ANY food that is high in high quality protein (ie chicken or other meat, dairy products, or even tofu) is just as good as fish or eggs when it comes to protein. And when it comes to omega 3's, fish oil pills and flaxseed oil are as good as fish (if not better, due to the lower heavy metal content).

Believe me, I know that healthy eating doesn't come easy. But you have to find a diet that works for you. And if you just can't stand certain foods, they won't do you ANY good if you are unwilling to eat them.