View Full Version : Afraid of Feeling Tired and the Need to Work Daily.

04-26-2015, 10:50 PM
Just makes me want to use an IV Drip of freshly brewed , very strong caffeine coffee directly into my lovely veins. Then I shall make it through ,"The eye of the needle." I shall have a new zest for energy to get through the day w/o feeling hungry and over eating and therefore conquering my fear of gaining weight back after working sooooo hard to drop 65 Lbs in 1.5 yrs , 7 yrs ago from this day. But now lately I have felt so tired in spite of my Green Tea herbs and my morning cup of Jo and my 3 Relacore AM pills every morning. I am @ my witts end. Any advice...I already exercise, but w/ a limited pace for energy conservation. I already watch every calorie except a few small eve snacks. What am i doing wrong? Do I need an rx of speed from my Shrink in addition to all the caffeine, fiber, and water pills, plus daily gym workouts. I am so tired some nights I go to bed and wish I would just sleep all night, and the next day, and perhaps never awaken to another day of feeling fatigued and fat and helpless in that nothing I am doing is helping. I have only lost 7 LBS in the last 1.5 weeks.......???