View Full Version : Nearing a year of recovery, we're back to square 1?!

04-26-2015, 11:53 AM
Greetings to all my anxiety and depression suffers out there. It has been a while. My previous journey is below if anything wants a backstory, I'm likely going to use this thread to monitor my progress and hopefully get help and help others along the way.
My Weekly Progress with Anxiety and Medication (Citalopram): http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?23729-My-Weekly-Progress-with-Anxiety-and-Medication-(Citalopram-and-Prochlorperazine)

How I demolished nearly a years worth of recovery
Diagnosed and put on meds Dec 2013. Came off citalopram by I think September 2014. Felt strong, positive, massive possibilities ahead of me.
By this point I had recently moved to London (from North of england after uni - a huge step) in Aug 2014.
Within a few months, an ex-girlfriend came to visit me in London, I think I let it happen because I was a bit lonely in this big city. From that, we saw each other more often and then got back together.
We had ups and downs, some really great times but in recent months we were getting really at each others throats.

I was becoming very stressed about my work, and still have issues with it. It made my focus entirely on trying to make my life better here, this led to my gf feeling neglected and arguments. I have considerable debt for someone my age, I have a job that I find very frustrating, and I was burning myself out generally.

At first it was just general feeling down, being pretty quiet and unemotional. This went on for quite a while, and end all was me and my gf split up last week. It was likely for the best.

A few weeks ago I went in the gym as usual, I enjoyed it to release stress etc. It was after work, I was pretty tired out though, but usually I've just gone anyway and it gave me energy as soon as I got active.
I started on one particular exercise, pendlay rows, and started on a pretty high weight, I've had dizziness coming up from these before and general bent over exercises but I went ahead this time, I did a couple of sets and got to the end of one and as I stood up it felt like my heart stopped and I half-collapsed sitting on a box.
It's possible that it did skip a beat or something, I feel like this happens to me often. I don't know how much of the event was health or anxiety related, but afterwards I had an all out panic attack basically and left the gym.

It took me 20 minutes to walk the 5 minutes back to my workplace where I thought I'd be safer just to get to people I knew, a few times I stopped and sat on small walls etc with my head in my hands shaking.

Of course, as always, I've ended up fine.

So here we are now, I was closing in on a year of feeling relatively anxiety free and I'm back into its depths. It feels different to the last time, this is more general and health anxiety. Before I was having problems going outside etc.
Nevertheless being in crowds for too long is disturbing for me, last night I had to bail on a family member who I was out with because I just pent up anxiety and couldn't shake it off.

So.. there's obviously a fair few factors here that made it happen. Built up stress from loneliness (most of the time) as didn't have many people i knew here, then when I was with girlfriend when I could meet her (she still lived north, far!) it being very stressful on most occasions and meaning that any spare time like weekends i would be seeing her and rarely go back to see family and friends at home, a job that really angers me sometimes, money problems..... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised being an anxiety sufferer before that something like this would happen.

Back story just about done!

Day 1..

Currently dealing with health anxiety (heart palpitations, chest pains, scared to do any exercise), general anxiety, and quite severe depression at times. I replaced the stress of being with my girlfriend with not being with her and the hurt of that, which is a difficulty but of course will subside over time.

Where do I go from here? I don't want to go back on meds, because I remember the side effects during the start, middle, and end of being on them. I don't think they are entirely necessary if I make some good life changes.

Done some research into B-vitamins, and that quite a common issue for people is B12 deficiency. I have one of these Naked fruit smoothie drinks today which had ridiculous amounts of B6/B12 and more, and shortly after I felt very wired and anxious. I think its the kind of vitamin hit I'm not used to, and is apparently expected being that B vitamins are stimulants, but the right levels of them over time help promote serotonin levels (feel good chemicals). BUT later on today (now) I feel I have more energy and a more positively focused mind.
Does anyone have any experience with B12/B6/other vitamin balancing?

I'm also considering trying some St John Wort, preferably in tea form. I have a general bad reaction with tablets/pills in that I find it very difficult to swallow them and negatively increases anxiety levels especially as pills usually activate very quick. Does anyone have much experience with St John Wort, and specifically in tea form?

That'll do for one long first post ^_^'..

04-26-2015, 12:37 PM
JKB, what's up! Long time no see. Sorry you're back in this way though. Relapses aren't majorly uncommon, but it's always sad when somebody finds themselves battling the big ol' monster again.

As far as the B vits go, you'll just want to get a blood test and know for sure. I remember being certain of the same thing (deficient) and taking fairly high doses, only to eventually find out my numbers were good and that I was feeling bad while taking supplements because I really didn't need them and had an excess. Standard blood test will be able to tell you about your B12, but (if you're in the UK) you'll have to ask about getting B6 tested with it.

Getting the blood test is a good thing, because then you can check D too. I'm an advocate of everyone knowing where they're D-levels are at, even if it's just for future reference.

St Johns is ok. It's ok, that's about all I can say of it. It's mild (though of course you can't screw around with it), but that can be enough to make a difference sometimes. If it works for you, it'll take an edge off, which is helpful. My advice is go for the quality stuff. Spend the money if need be. In Germany they prescribe this, but it's fantastic quality.

Sorry, my food's cooking so I can't be more thorough, but we'll catch up. I'll try and be a part of your threads.

04-27-2015, 04:05 AM
JKB, what's up! Long time no see. Sorry you're back in this way though. Relapses aren't majorly uncommon, but it's always sad when somebody finds themselves battling the big ol' monster again. As far as the B vits go, you'll just want to get a blood test and know for sure. I remember being certain of the same thing (deficient) and taking fairly high doses, only to eventually find out my numbers were good and that I was feeling bad while taking supplements because I really didn't need them and had an excess. Standard blood test will be able to tell you about your B12, but (if you're in the UK) you'll have to ask about getting B6 tested with it. Getting the blood test is a good thing, because then you can check D too. I'm an advocate of everyone knowing where they're D-levels are at, even if it's just for future reference. St Johns is ok. It's ok, that's about all I can say of it. It's mild (though of course you can't screw around with it), but that can be enough to make a difference sometimes. If it works for you, it'll take an edge off, which is helpful. My advice is go for the quality stuff. Spend the money if need be. In Germany they prescribe this, but it's fantastic quality. Sorry, my food's cooking so I can't be more thorough, but we'll catch up. I'll try and be a part of your threads.

Ah hello Jesse. Yes I know I am sorry for that! I hope you have been keeping well?

Yeah big ol' monster is exactly how I describe it. A gremlin in the back of my mind telling you worrying thoughts.

Yes I think that's a good idea, to get an idea of my balances. I've had a blood test before but for hormones which came back OK, this was over a year ago though. So I should ask for B12/B6 and D levels. Anything else or will it show lots anyway?

I expect my vitamin levels are very low in some, because I've never had a perfect diet and always forgetting something (enough fruit, enough greens, not overdoing it on carbs). I will book in with GP soon and ask them to help me find out what my main levels are at, to naturally improve my central nervous system - it is most definitely out of whack. I just need to know what exactly.

I have Health insurance, but I assume I go see my normal NHS GP first?

Over the weekend I slept ALOT, had two very good nights sleep the past two and i just feel very exhausted still. This tbh has always been a problem for me, I have always been a tired person and don't have energy for like a full day. Thyroid problem? Just anxiety related? Idk, but I've been the same for a long time and only when I'm at peak physical fitness do I feel it subside (in past experience). I'm going to make this a specific note of my GP visit that more than anything exhaustion is causing the anxiety to worsen which it is.

My mother keeps telling me it's ok If I want to just quit and go back home. I'd love to have a long break there right now but I couldn't imagine being there with no prospects and I'd be calmer but eventually depression would set in again in a different way.

I had a telephone appointment with a local mental health thing last week, so I'm expecting a letter in the post today I believe with information on next steps, so I am finally getting actual personal help. Most of the time I feel like I can't say what I want to and I keep things inside and it worsens my condition.

I'm at work, I'm functioning, I just feel most of the time depressed about just existing. I have hope left in me though.

04-29-2015, 01:44 PM
I've had a pretty good past two days. I get anxious moments, and chest pains, but am much better at saying to myself just ride the tension until it heads off.

I'm self-medicating vitamins intake.. From these Naked smoothies, having half a bottle a day (about 225ml) which is packed full of vitamin B5 B6 B12, just to see how getting these naturally in and if it makes a difference. Had a good past two days, more energy, so maybe it is?

Pretty basic anxiety things, loud people/noises/busy places at the moment. Not exactly thinking like I have of late, with the fear, the severe depression moments not finding much reason to keep going. I am still lacking that, but its not making me go nuts or into a bad state.

I'm pretty angry now over my split with my girlfriend. I just want to scream about it, and at her, I'm so in rage that she's just written me off after everything she put us through, and huge reason why I am fucked up again! RAAAAAA! So much anger I just want a counsellor or something to rage at, I stop myself from saying too much to family and friends because they don't understand or I can't be bothered with their feedback on it I just need a third party to rage all my psychosis at!

Hope those who read this are having a good week, will try to support others on other threads as I can

Mr Jingles
05-08-2015, 05:56 PM
Jkb, You use the language "demolished my recovery." To me, it just looks like you had a setback and that demolished a hope you had that you were done with the suffering.

I can relate. I have that hope all the time, and then the pain when things regress. Also, when I'm feeling down, it really affects my thinking. "Setback" becomes "demolished."

I'm encouraged that you are acting and doing what you can. With doable action, I don't see how you can't get back to another long period at least without the anxiety.