View Full Version : Happy Ending

04-25-2015, 11:11 AM
My dad's sister has had dementia for several years and has been in a home. Her husband died several years earlier.

She has very few coherent moments and lost her hearing. A few days ago she passed away. The day before she died one of her carers asked her why she was so dressed up, she looked like she was ready to go out somewhere special.

She said she was off to meet her husband and asked her to take care of her cat that lived with her at the care home. She died that night.

Apparently her last day was a very coherent one for her. It's nice to know she's finally at peace and even more heartwarming that she seemingly knew she was going to pass away.


04-25-2015, 11:35 AM
That is beautiful.

04-25-2015, 01:32 PM
Cool story.

I once read a study where treating physicians for terminally ill patients were asked to predict how long their patients were going to live. Then, separately, the terminally ill patients were asked the same question about themselves. The results showed that the patients' predictions were better, by a statistically significant margin. People just seem to have a way of knowing...

04-25-2015, 06:52 PM
There was a story a while ago about this cat that lived in a nursing home. It would go and lie on the beds of patients who were about to die - it knew! And it was really accurate.


04-26-2015, 08:46 AM
That is beautiful.

Indeed it is.. My grandmother passed not long ago and very shortly after my grandfather had to be admitted to the hospital for health issues and all he wanted was to go and be with her. He however pulled through and is doing much better, I think he had a moment of realization when he was in there and came out with a better outlook. I know he is in pain daily after loosing the woman that he was married to since his teens, I just have to hope that there is an afterlife so that people like them and people like the lady in the OP story do get to be with the ones they love again.

04-26-2015, 11:41 AM
Beautiful...........Thank you for posting it:)