View Full Version : Dont know what to do with those panic attacks or anxiety

Johnnie Wagman
04-23-2015, 03:39 PM
Hey people. I have smoked weed maybe 5 times and the last time i got my left side numb and i started to panic and etc. Btw it was 2 weeks ago. I stopped already smoking weed and cigarettes, but from this day i smoked last time im having now everyday 3-4 times per day panic attacks or something. I had tests of heart,blood and looks fine. I have read a lot on google about symptoms and that made much more worse because now when i have attacks or anxiety, im thinking im having heart attack or stroke and it makes so bad, 3 times in 2 weeks already called to ambulance, 2 times they came and said im fine, last time they tried to calm me down on phone. But biggest problems im having tigling on my left side arm,feet,face,chest and im having also very big pressure in my head and im thinking my head will just explode or stop working and i will die..Im eating healthy,going to gym but those attacks are so fucking worst thing i ever had in my life.. My doctor gave me for one day Oxazepam and it was so awesome because i felt like normal as before, but she said its addictive and i cant take it everyday... She said go to psychiatric doctor and try to get help,but it doesnt helps me. Im keeping my mind on bad toughts, I know I should do something what makes me dont think about this bad, but even when i do i keep thinking and then I stop doing. Puting away pc,layin in bed and waitin until what happens.. My anxiety or panic attacks lasts always for 1-3hours.

04-23-2015, 11:19 PM
Hey people. I have smoked weed maybe 5 times and the last time i got my left side numb and i started to panic and etc. Btw it was 2 weeks ago. I stopped already smoking weed and cigarettes, but from this day i smoked last time im having now everyday 3-4 times per day panic attacks or something. I had tests of heart,blood and looks fine. I have read a lot on google about symptoms and that made much more worse because now when i have attacks or anxiety, im thinking im having heart attack or stroke and it makes so bad, 3 times in 2 weeks already called to ambulance, 2 times they came and said im fine, last time they tried to calm me down on phone. But biggest problems im having tigling on my left side arm,feet,face,chest and im having also very big pressure in my head and im thinking my head will just explode or stop working and i will die..Im eating healthy,going to gym but those attacks are so fucking worst thing i ever had in my life.. My doctor gave me for one day Oxazepam and it was so awesome because i felt like normal as before, but she said its addictive and i cant take it everyday... She said go to psychiatric doctor and try to get help,but it doesnt helps me. Im keeping my mind on bad toughts, I know I should do something what makes me dont think about this bad, but even when i do i keep thinking and then I stop doing. Puting away pc,layin in bed and waitin until what happens.. My anxiety or panic attacks lasts always for 1-3hours.

I've been having panic anxiety attacks, from the moment I wake up to the time I go to sleep. I hate that I have to take meds but at this point I really dont have any other solutions.

04-24-2015, 04:06 AM
The best advice I ever received was this: 1) change the channel (in your mind)... Meaning give yourself something else to focus on. And if that doesn't work 2) Relax your body. Let the feeling pass. As uncomfortable as it may seem, it can't hurt you. Panic attacks can't hurt you. It may feel like it, but it can't. It WILL pass. You just have to let it.

Johnnie Wagman
04-24-2015, 04:42 AM
The best advice I ever received was this: 1) change the channel (in your mind)... Meaning give yourself something else to focus on. And if that doesn't work 2) Relax your body. Let the feeling pass. As uncomfortable as it may seem, it can't hurt you. Panic attacks can't hurt you. It may feel like it, but it can't. It WILL pass. You just have to let it.

I know I need to change my mind but its really really hard and most time I cant. When I relax my body it becomes worse and i start to panic more,stand up from bed and walking around like crazy,sometimes falling on knees, trying to do something to help go away, but it goes only when im tired.. So horrible anxietys..

04-24-2015, 04:48 AM
I know I need to change my mind but its really really hard and most time I cant. When I relax my body it becomes worse and i start to panic more,stand up from bed and walking around like crazy,sometimes falling on knees, trying to do something to help go away, but it goes only when im tired.. So horrible anxietys..

I understand. Anxiety or Panic can be horrible. I know it very well. BUT, if you sit with it for a bit, it WILL pass. It always does. Try it. As uncomfortable as it can be, try it. It works for me :)

04-24-2015, 06:46 AM
Hey people. I have smoked weed maybe 5 times and the last time i got my left side numb and i started to panic and etc. Btw it was 2 weeks ago. I stopped already smoking weed and cigarettes, but from this day i smoked last time im having now everyday 3-4 times per day panic attacks or something. I had tests of heart,blood and looks fine. I have read a lot on google about symptoms and that made much more worse because now when i have attacks or anxiety, im thinking im having heart attack or stroke and it makes so bad, 3 times in 2 weeks already called to ambulance, 2 times they came and said im fine, last time they tried to calm me down on phone. But biggest problems im having tigling on my left side arm,feet,face,chest and im having also very big pressure in my head and im thinking my head will just explode or stop working and i will die..Im eating healthy,going to gym but those attacks are so fucking worst thing i ever had in my life.. My doctor gave me for one day Oxazepam and it was so awesome because i felt like normal as before, but she said its addictive and i cant take it everyday... She said go to psychiatric doctor and try to get help,but it doesnt helps me. Im keeping my mind on bad toughts, I know I should do something what makes me dont think about this bad, but even when i do i keep thinking and then I stop doing. Puting away pc,layin in bed and waitin until what happens.. My anxiety or panic attacks lasts always for 1-3hours.

Learn diaphragmatic breathing :)