View Full Version : Anxiety and worry about my job

04-23-2015, 11:29 AM

I am looking for some advice as I feel very down and stressed recently regarding my job circumstances.

In January I was made redundant from a job that I loved and wanted to be doing for a long time, it was only a call centre job but I felt as though I really belonged there and always looked forward to going into work and never felt down or worried. After the redundancy I was worried about money so I took the first job offer that came about, I have worked at this new job now for 2 months and although I don't mind it and have made some friends, it is not what I want to being in the long run and I have been working very unsociable hours mainly late nights which has put a lot of strain on my personal life and is leaving me feeling exhausted most days. I have an interview tomorrow for a admin 9-5 job which is what I want to get back into and I have a good feeling that they may offer me the job. However I couldn't get a wink of sleep last night with worry and guilt that I would somehow have to tell my current job that I am going to leave when they have put so much effort into training me and trying to make me feel part of their team.

I have suffered with bad anxiety for a long time but since the redundancy it has got a lot worse which is causing a lot of tears and sleepless nights.

Is there any advice you can give me regarding speaking to my current manager about leaving, if it comes to it? as I am very nervous to do so and don't want to let anyone down.

04-23-2015, 12:17 PM
Hello. Welcome to the forum. The stress you are feeling is certainly understandable, job losses and job changes are common stressors. My advice is to just be straight with the current manager, if you decide to leave. Tell him (her?) that you are grateful for the opportunity and for the effort that went into training you, but you are finding that the hours significantly impair your personal life and the work not entirely fulfilling, notwithstanding the good people you have met. So you have decided to take another job. If you are able to do so, you might offer to stay on for some time, to help train a replacement -- or make some other offer to assist, so as to minimize the inconvenience to your current employer of your departure. People come and go all the time, so what you are doing is not unusual. And you need a job that makes you happy (or at least that you are OK with). Good luck.

04-23-2015, 12:37 PM
Hello. Thank you so much for replying. Sometimes I just need to be reassured that what I'm doing is ok. I spend a lot of time worrying that I am going to let people down or disappoint them, but at the same time I know that I'm not in a happy place here and I think the change could be what I need to make me feel better. Thank you!