View Full Version : Ive some questions

08-16-2008, 06:52 PM
yet another post.. sorry i just have some questions for you guys if you dont mind answering :)

1. I strongly believe that there is something physically wrong with me that i have some sort of illness i currently think i have low blood sugars.. when i know its just my anxiety and i am healthy as my doctor has said but i cant help think theres something seriously wrong.. is anyone else the same?

2. Does anyone get symptons of anxiety when they are not anxious?

3. Do you feel constantly tired/drained/weak?

4. When your very anxious how do you get rid of it?

5. If you take medication has it helped?

6. Im afraid to take ANY medication as im afraid ill get bad side effects, is this part of my anxiety and does anyone else feel the same?

08-17-2008, 02:05 AM
1. I usually think something is wrong with me. And I'm pretty sure I'm right seeing as how i do not function very well. It would be a relief to find out something is concretely wrong, wouldnt it? Something there was something someone could do to fix it? Instead of this kind of out there, out of your hands, dysfunction.

2. Well, I dont know. I would think that if one has symptoms of anxiety then they are anxious.

3. Constantly. I recall feeling 'normal' once in my life. It was amazing.

4. I stop, breathe, and try to think of something else. Then, once Im calmer, i usually ask myself what I can do about the situation that Im feeling anxious in. I try and find out what Im telling myself that is making me feel so anxious. I talk myself through it and come to some more logical conclusions. For example when i walk in to a room full of people, my anxiety shoots through the roof. I'll go through this in my mind, while im not in the immediate situation, and ask myself why i feel anxious. I keep asking myself why, why, why and usually find that there was no logical reason for it. It helps to practice this when one isnt immediately in the situation. If Im feeling horribly anxious, I leave the situation and try again later. And then sometimes catastrophe strikes, i explode, and start from square one.

5. I took medication for a little while and while it helped. i only took 'in the moment' anxiety attack pills. cant remember what they were called now. it helped because i can get self destructive and unbelievably irrational when im having an anxiety attack. The thing that helped the most was I had to start to recognize when the attack was coming on so I knew when to take the pills before things got out of control. I dont take them anymore because i can now recognize ahead of time when i need to change things.

6. The meds i took did have bad side effects. i was exhausted for days and days afterwards. and then i would have horrible anger attacks. everything would piss me off. so while i didnt think they were effective for long term use, the short term use was beneficial as it helped me stop my destructive behavior.