View Full Version : Why do I keep thinking about life after death?

08-16-2008, 01:54 PM
I get VERY EXTREMELY anxious when I think about this.
And I don't even know why I think about this in the first place.
Sometimes when I'm not doing anything, my mind is racing and it always ends up thinking about death.. Am I crazy or what?
I'm a Christian. I was a firm believer, but ever since I've gotten older, my faith is fading away.. Well I still believe in Jesus and my religion and all, but this anxiety makes it ambiguous. And when I really think about it, I panic coz I think ''what if I'm going to hell?'' '' what if theres no heaven or hell?'' ''what if something terrible happens to me after I die?'' and other terrible thoughts

The question is: is it normal to think like this? I feel insane.. :(

08-17-2008, 02:17 AM
i think this is very normal. i never had a fear of dying but i know people who do. i guess its the uncertainty of it all. Of course every day is uncertain and 'scary' for me so i just think of death as yet another day...what are you gonna do right? handle it just like you handle every other day of your life.

08-17-2008, 10:10 AM
I am only 23 and have had those same thoughts for years!!!! I just cant think about that cus I freak man. It is very normal to wonder about what really happens when we die. I am also a Christian and I believe in Heaven and Hell but if it makes sense I am still so scared to die. I honestly believe that the fear of dying is at the root of my anxiety. If I could get over the fear of dying then nothing would hold me back. Honestly, when it comes to our faith its easy to have doubts, but that is just he devil trying to get the best of you. If I were you I would go to church and talk to the pastor or someone else there about this very real fear and I bet you anything you will feel so much stronger in your faith and more comfortable with the thoughts you have been having!

08-17-2008, 11:06 AM
I get VERY EXTREMELY anxious when I think about this.
And I don't even know why I think about this in the first place.
Sometimes when I'm not doing anything, my mind is racing and it always ends up thinking about death.. Am I crazy or what?
I'm a Christian. I was a firm believer, but ever since I've gotten older, my faith is fading away.. Well I still believe in Jesus and my religion and all, but this anxiety makes it ambiguous. And when I really think about it, I panic coz I think ''what if I'm going to hell?'' '' what if theres no heaven or hell?'' ''what if something terrible happens to me after I die?'' and other terrible thoughts

The question is: is it normal to think like this? I feel insane.. :(

Pursue God like you never have before. You are probably experiencing this because your relationship with God is not what it's supposed to be. Repent from whatever is holding you back.

08-18-2008, 01:00 AM
Pursue God like you never have before. You are probably experiencing this because your relationship with God is not what it's supposed to be. Repent from whatever is holding you back.
Whenever I discussed my fears and hopelessness with my friend she used to tell me that maybe I am not pursuing the God totally. But in the attempt of pursuing the God more and more, I felt myself left at a point of no return. Now I don’t see the world as I used to see before. The world for me now is full of hypocrites and selfish people who are there with you in your happy days ONLY. God is there but he is first in our heart. If we can feel him in our heart then we don't need to pursue him more.
Speaking of the life after death I do believe in that and I also used to think about it before but then I realized there is so much to do in this life we are living in and when the life after death comes to my share my God will show me the correct way. I have left pursuing God long time back and now I just keep faith in him that’s all.

08-18-2008, 09:15 AM
I believe that there is always room to grow in your relationship with God it never ends and thats the beautiful thing. Its not enough to just have faith in God. If we didn't have anxiety do you think we would be as close to God now as we are? I believe that God is using this to draw us closer to him so that we can learn to rely on and trust in him more.

08-18-2008, 10:03 PM
Nothing wrong to a 'doubtful Thomas'.
Visit this site http://www.near-death.com/

08-21-2008, 11:42 PM
yeah...I hope I get better
I gotta be honest i havent gone to church in a month
God mustve given me this to test me and wake me up..