View Full Version : SSRI makes me lazy, benzos makes me amnesiac

Jon Ander Clooney
04-19-2015, 08:22 AM
Hello there.

So I've coping with anxiety for some time. I started with it due to my drug abuse. One day i took too much amphetamine and I had my first panick attack. From there, I got anxiety. I stopped doing drugs 6 months ago, that problem is solved.

Im now on zoloft 50 mg and ativan ocasionally, and the problem is that it makes me completely lazy. I dont actually have any energy to acomplish anything.

I'm just fine chilling, but at the same time Im aware of this. Its like I want to walk but my legs are asleep and is frustrating.

I left my routine , I stopped doing what I do . I have projects that I perform but I dont have enough discipline, whereas before I had before.

I lost my motivation and my ambition and I can do nothing.

On the other hand benzodiazepines work, but I should think twice before using it that day , because I know that if I take it , will not remember anything. It happens everytime.

Btw, zoloft discontinuation sucks. I did in the past. Poor eye cordination, brain zaps, dizziness , lightheadedness, misery..

Whats your opinion guys? It will be appreciated.

04-19-2015, 08:56 AM
Hello there.

So I've coping with anxiety for some time. I started with it due to my drug abuse. One day i took too much amphetamine and I had my first panick attack. From there, I got anxiety. I stopped doing drugs 6 months ago, that problem is solved.

Im now on zoloft 50 mg and ativan ocasionally, and the problem is that it makes me completely lazy. I dont actually have any energy to acomplish anything.

I'm just fine chilling, but at the same time Im aware of this. Its like I want to walk but my legs are asleep and is frustrating.

I left my routine , I stopped doing what I do . I have projects that I perform but I dont have enough discipline, whereas before I had before.

I lost my motivation and my ambition and I can do nothing.

On the other hand benzodiazepines work, but I should think twice before using it that day , because I know that if I take it , will not remember anything. It happens everytime.

Btw, zoloft discontinuation sucks. I did in the past. Poor eye cordination, brain zaps, dizziness , lightheadedness, misery..

Whats your opinion guys? It will be appreciated.

My guess is it's not the SSRIs making you lazy, it's that you were an amphetamine user. Obviously I don't know the extent of your use, and I know you've kicked that habit, but the psychological addiction could still be there.

50mg Zoloft isn't a high dose from memory and SSRIs really shouldn't cause lack of motivation. It's also weird that you get amnesia from benzos (unless you take a large amount).

Depression is really common after coming off any sort of addictive drug. Have you had any drug counselling/rehab? Again, I have no idea what your habit was like, so I could be completely off the mark, but drug abuse definitely isn't solved once you stop using.

All the best,
Gypsy x

Jon Ander Clooney
04-19-2015, 09:13 AM
It's a perfectly possible conclusion, since I was messing my dopamine levels. However in my case the use was recreationally on weekends. Its true that in that part of my life I was very lazy, but overcomed that habit I continued being more or less like ever. I have been a very ambitious and very dopamine-drived person. Call it type A.

I was doing very good at organizing and doing homework, like I was in control again and being productive, I was getting things done, but since I started zoloft I can feel that I dont have that self-control with me anymore, not that much, like I procastinate a lot, I dont get the things done, and so on.

04-19-2015, 06:54 PM
It's a perfectly possible conclusion, since I was messing my dopamine levels. However in my case the use was recreationally on weekends. Its true that in that part of my life I was very lazy, but overcomed that habit I continued being more or less like ever. I have been a very ambitious and very dopamine-drived person. Call it type A.

I was doing very good at organizing and doing homework, like I was in control again and being productive, I was getting things done, but since I started zoloft I can feel that I dont have that self-control with me anymore, not that much, like I procastinate a lot, I dont get the things done, and so on.

Okay. So not really a full-on habit. I don't know.. SSRIs always make me more motivated (at the start). I'm naturally pretty lazy though haha. Maybe try a different med? Of all the SSRIs I've been on Prozac was the most like amphetamines :)