View Full Version : Any insights for this problem?

08-16-2008, 08:57 AM
A simplified description of my condition would be something like this: an acute existential crisis causing anxiety and depression.
As for what brought it on, going over the past few years, there have been a huge number of life-changing events for me, including 3 births, many deaths of friends, family and acquaintances, a new house, seeing the students I taught in grade nine when I started at Highland in '04 graduate, my parents and other family and friends aging, realizing it is my 10th wedding anniversary this October, and so on. I should add too that my wife being separated from her family who live in Korea doesn't help things either, although she is actually rather happy in general. If you were to take one of those "stress charts" that attribute a certain score for different kinds of stressors, my score right now would be astronomical. The life changes have gotten me into an "on edge" and "life is so short" frame of mind that gets in the way of normal goal-setting and enthusiasm for life. While I'd rather have this problem than any physical problem, it is still a horrible thing to be stuck with.

At my most recent session my counsellor said that she thinks being overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for three young children may have a lot to do with how I am thinking and feeling. I would love if this were true, since it means that with some time I'll get used to things and feel better.

As for medications, no one thinks they are appropriate for this problem. The problem is caused by my patterns of thought, which cannot be "drugged away."

Any suggestions for me?