View Full Version : Back on zoloft....

04-18-2015, 09:36 AM
I just had to go back on Zoloft after being off it for a while. I forgot how bad the beginning side effects are and can't remember back to the first time that I started it. I'm just curious how long these things will last and want to make sure they are "normal." I've now take 6 doses. I'm experiencing -

- Cloudy, weird feeling in the head
- Loss of appetite
- Very sleepy, but not sleeping good
- Feeling hot inside my body
- Almost constant nervousness

I was taking it in the morning but changed to taking it at night because it was leaving me so drugged feeling.

Any input would be great.

04-19-2015, 06:57 AM
I just had to go back on Zoloft after being off it for a while. I forgot how bad the beginning side effects are and can't remember back to the first time that I started it. I'm just curious how long these things will last and want to make sure they are "normal." I've now take 6 doses. I'm experiencing -

- Cloudy, weird feeling in the head
- Loss of appetite
- Very sleepy, but not sleeping good
- Feeling hot inside my body
- Almost constant nervousness

I was taking it in the morning but changed to taking it at night because it was leaving me so drugged feeling.

Any input would be great.

Yeah all normal. For me, my anxiety (which is already bad if I'm going on SSRIs) goes through the roof for a week or two. These meds really knock you around at first so take it easy.

04-19-2015, 02:14 PM
Thanks for replying.

Why are the side effects so bad in the beginning of starting an SSRI? It's crazy that taking medicine for anxiety actually has the side effect of increased anxiety in the beginning!

04-19-2015, 07:13 PM
Thanks for replying.

Why are the side effects so bad in the beginning of starting an SSRI? It's crazy that taking medicine for anxiety actually has the side effect of increased anxiety in the beginning!

It's basically because they change the level of serotonin in the brain, which the brain doesn't like much at first. It senses that there's more serotonin and reacts by getting rid of it, to the extent that you end up with even less than before. I guess you could say the brain overreacts to the changes. Then as you keep taking it, it gradually accepts the increase in serotonin and stops overreacting, until you end up with more than when you started.

That's the explanation I read anyway. It's very simplistic but we aren't neuroscientists lol.

05-05-2015, 09:11 AM
I was diagnosed with ADD and anxiety. I just started taking zoloft this morning, I feel really weird. Kinda scared

05-05-2015, 09:23 AM
You will feel weird for a while. That's your brain chemistry changing so take it easy. It does work itself out though :)

05-05-2015, 06:33 PM
How soon should i expect to feel the medication taking effect

05-06-2015, 11:20 AM
How soon should i expect to feel the medication taking effect

3-6 weeks. I've even waited about 8 weeks before I noticed it working. When it works it REALLY works though. Zoloft and other SSRIs aren't like the benzos that work straight away. But you don't have the addictive factor ie. you don't have to keep taking more and more to get an effect.

05-06-2015, 12:14 PM
I was diagnosed with ADD and anxiety. I just started taking zoloft this morning, I feel really weird. Kinda scared

Don't be scared at all. They are designed to help you. After a couple of weeks, you'll notice a great change.

05-06-2015, 11:12 PM
To be fair, SSRIs are pretty horrendous when you start them. My anxiety (which is always bad if I'm starting SSRIs) goes through the roof. I generally need benzos to get through those first few weeks. Now I just stay on them because I don't want to go through that crap if I need them again. So it's been 20+ years on and off (on more than off). I don't really care if I'm on them for the rest of my life.

07-16-2015, 11:41 PM
I didn't believe in meds until i tried them, they really made a DIFFERENCE. I remember scoring high on the anxiety chart, mostly 3's and 4's in the Hamilton scale, about 3 months later I could barely reach 2's. I'd say your symptoms are pretty common for anxiety, specially if you have GAD, just thinking about taking a pill and what it would do to you.. Just hang in there...Zoloft is really noble. They day will come where you will even forget you even have anxiety because you are doing so great.