View Full Version : Cant sleep

04-17-2015, 01:25 AM
I've been having breathing difficulties and I'm too scared to go to sleep in case it gets worse. I've had a terrible sleep schedule these past few weeks and I'm horribly exhausted but I can't go to sleep. i don't know if the difficulties are anxiety or related or not, because I do have allergy-related issues but I took two allergy pills and they are not working. I have no idea what to do and I know that tomorrow I will be on the verge of collapse because I can't sleep or breathe. I don't know how to fix this.

04-17-2015, 01:44 AM
Do your allergy meds contain decongestants? I discovered the hard way that decongestants wire me to the gills, making difficult sleep utterly impossible. Diphenhydramine (Benadryl) with Zyrtec works wonders at night. I have found when I can't breathe (these seasonal allergies are hell on my sad asthmatic excuses for lungs) a good steam helps me breathe better. I close up my shower, run it full hot, and just stand there until I can't take it anymore or it starts running cold.

Hope this helps.

04-19-2015, 03:07 AM
Some decongestants will jack you up because they contain stimulants. Agreeing with sae, benadryl works wonders for allergies and helping you sleep. Double whammy.

Sleep is hard to come by when you have anxiety sometimes. Try to practice good sleep habits as best as you are able (stay out of bed unless you're sleepy, don't use phone in bed, don't sleep in too much, I could go on forever). Just give your circadian rhythm a fighting chance and eventually things will go back to normal.

Take it from me, the person who is up at 5am and hasn't slept yet (arrrrgghhh)

04-20-2015, 03:37 AM
Back then I used to take a little of bromazepam whenever I had huge anxiety when trying to sleep. It did help me, but I think it shouldn't be used everyday since I think it can cause addiction. :/