View Full Version : Any advice?

04-16-2015, 03:48 PM
Hey, so I think I may have some anxiety issues, I don't really feel comfortable talking to friends or family about it and I've been thinking of making an appointment with my GP but I've never really been one for going to the doctors and stuff so I figured I'd come on here and see if anyone has any advice.

Like I've never really been the kind of person that can proper open myself up to people and would always try and avoid any kind of confrontation and stuff but over the last couple years I seem to feel really novice most of the time around people, it's not all the time, but recently it seems to be effecting my social life more and I seem to be avoiding hanging out with certain friends. I'm only 24 and going out to town for drinks with my mates seems like it's a chore. Like everyone's enjoying themselves and I'm just faking an interest and feel awkward most of the time. Like I used to be able to go up to random people and just start chatting but I can't imagine doing that now.

It's really frustrating and I feel pretty down a lot of the time because of it.


04-16-2015, 06:49 PM
I'm sure your GP could refer you to a mental health practitioner. Do you have insurance that would cover counseling? The insurance network is also a good place to start.

If not, there are local support groups and therapy groups that you can look up online. Those are free. I forget where I found a directory of local support groups, but there might be one on this site.