View Full Version : What living with anxiety is like....

04-15-2015, 09:54 PM
I found this web comic about what living with anxiety is like. Its pretty accurate. http://heymonster.tumblr.com/post/19350033745/a-comic-about-anxiety

04-16-2015, 05:46 AM
I found this web comic about what living with anxiety is like. Its pretty accurate. http://heymonster.tumblr.com/post/19350033745/a-comic-about-anxiety

Substitute (and accept) 'IT' and 'that voice' in the comic, with 'mom' or 'dad' or 'my caregiver' and your on your way to healing.

Not blame.

But for enlightenment, releasing, and ultimately letting go of the hurt/ emotional pain.

If you (reader) cannot accept 'mom', 'dad', 'grandma', 'grandpa', or your caretaker - (for abusive behavior), then 'school bully', 'teacher', or 'peers' will do just fine for the moment.

Everyone is a product, to a large degree, of early conditioning.

04-16-2015, 05:56 AM
Lol. Reminds me of a girl on here who used to refer to her anxiety as something like the monster in that cartoon.

04-16-2015, 06:03 AM
Lol. Reminds me of a girl on here who used to refer to her anxiety as something like the monster in that cartoon.

Comedy, loosely speaking, aside, if readers of this message board can juxtapose a face, or faces, behind the 'voice', they have in a real sense put '2 and 2 together' and if without guilt, can look squarely at the issue that comes up - it would be extremely beneficial. (if it is a parent, there is often guilt, shame, and blame associated with the feelings, along with some anger that masks the memories but frames the current personality - anxiety in this case).

The artist, designed the 'monster' to look like 'sludge'. The sludge is the beliefs that cover the personality turning it into something and someone it often wishes it wasn't. The face (whoever that is) may say : "I wish I hadn't done or said that, but it is who I am". Which if taken farther, is what their parents were like to them. (generational).