View Full Version : School

08-15-2008, 08:51 AM
In May of this year i started feeling a little drained and i noticed my anxiety was starting to creep back, i could still go out at this point but if my friends wanted to go somewhere like the movies or shopping id make up excuses saying i didnt have enough money or i wasnt feeling well. I started to feel anxious in school everyday i said to myself it will pass .. then one day i fainted in school(i didnt eat much that day and it was very warm) After i fainted i would only go so far from my home but i would still go out with my friends .. Around in July this year i began to go out less and less .. It got to the point where everytime i left my house i was weak with fear thinking i would faint again or something bad is goina happen to me. Now the only time i leave my room is to get something to eat my friends still call for me on a daily basis but i never go out im scared ill make a fool of myself or that something bad will happen. I dont understand how its gotten so bad so quick. Is there anyway i can stop this from getting worse now please, i start back to school in 3 weeks and i dreading it! if i cant leave my house for more than 5 minutes alone how am i meant to sit in school for 6 hours 5 days a week with about 800 people and my social life is basically ruined i never go out i never see my friends.. anxiety controls me life! :( im nearly 16 and i do my gcses this year i cant afford to miss any time in school.. i dont want to fail! and the pressure of this year doesnt help my anxiety at all

08-17-2008, 02:41 AM
I have unbelievable anxiety about school, too. Im 26 now but Ive had issues with it since 4th grade. Highschool was brutal for me and im not sure how i made it out. Because of my anxiety I had no friends, except one or two. My anxiety escalated in college and i dropped out. It was unreal how out of control my life got. but after much, much therapy, drugs, and self help things are improving. i just got my associates degree from college and am working towards my bachelor's.

My sister has very, very brutal debilitating anxiety attacks. She's 29. She dropped out of highschool. She has had a very difficult life but she did go back and get her highschool diploma this year. She's now in a technical college getting a technical degree. She's doing much better now, but she did go through years of suffering.

My advice to you, and this might sound odd, is do not get involved with any boys until you have a better grip on your life. You are extremely vulnerable and easy prey for a boy. They might make you feel good in the moment, but believe me long term it will not be good. My sister now has to raise a child on her own because she married in the mists of her anxiety.

also, believe me there is help out there for you. its a slow tedious process and life will feel unbearable at times but talk to someone you can trust about how you are feeling and get some counseling. there's a reason you feel this way and there is someone out there that can help you overcome it.