View Full Version : liver failure leading to hepatic encephalopathy..last stage going to coma!!!PLZ HELP

04-14-2015, 06:26 PM
So today has been another awful day, where do i start first let me explain why i think i have hepatic encephalopathy And why i think i am going into hepatic coma from that liver failure. I was diagnosed with fatty liver about 4 years ago at the time i thought it wasnt much, now after four years i got my blood tested again about 3-4 years ago and i had elevated liver enzymes like double i should have, i went to get an liver ultra sound reports came and its still just a fatty liver and doctor said its nothing to worry about, but lose weight because this can effect you later on in your forties when you can become diabetic... I am 23.Since then i have actually gained weight from probably stressing too much, and things have not been looking too bright so i think i messed liver up more and pushed it too liver failure. Okay so now for last couple weeks its first started with me having this confusion ish feeling like i had no thoughts was mentally confused, cant remember anything,detached etc but i put it off as derealization or depersonalization from anxiety. Then slowly that got worse but now with it i have this lack of appetite plus when i do eat something my stomach is upset,stomach growls, messed up stools etc. now if that wasn't messed up enough since sunday i have been feeling so tired, so sleepy, like i will pass out any moment like i feel as i wont be able to support my body. Like its messed the way i feel like i will asleep or lose conscious any moment. I cant explain its that messed. Like at this moment i almost wish that i was having a panic attack, because i feel so out of it tired. Like i can go on about my mental/memory problems too, but these sleeping problems i have even after 8 hours of sleep in which i dream a lot and is mostly rem sleep first stage but still. like if you look up hepatic encephalopathy I have the same symptoms like i feel the next step is coma which is final symptom of liver failure/hepatic encephalopathy.... And if that was not enough now i have nausea and feel like i will throw up!!!! like if i dont go to emergency its game over . Like i am just looking for solace like is my liver failing and am i going into coma or can this just be anxiety but like how this messed up. Like right now i am living in the hope that maybe i have sleeping problem and i am not get enough sleep which i think i am but why do i feel like throwing up if it wasn’t a liver problem I just wanna wake up tom alive like have i messed up liver that much . PLZ HELP, i have been dealing with GAD for 4 years but nothing like this can this just be anxiety!!!

04-14-2015, 06:54 PM
So today has been another awful day, where do i start first let me explain why i think i have hepatic encephalopathy And why i think i am going into hepatic coma from that liver failure. I was diagnosed with fatty liver about 4 years ago at the time i thought it wasnt much, now after four years i got my blood tested again about 3-4 years ago and i had elevated liver enzymes like double i should have, i went to get an liver ultra sound reports came and its still just a fatty liver and doctor said its nothing to worry about, but lose weight because this can effect you later on in your forties when you can become diabetic... I am 23.Since then i have actually gained weight from probably stressing too much, and things have not been looking too bright so i think i messed liver up more and pushed it too liver failure. Okay so now for last couple weeks its first started with me having this confusion ish feeling like i had no thoughts was mentally confused, cant remember anything,detached etc but i put it off as derealization or depersonalization from anxiety. Then slowly that got worse but now with it i have this lack of appetite plus when i do eat something my stomach is upset,stomach growls, messed up stools etc. now if that wasn't messed up enough since sunday i have been feeling so tired, so sleepy, like i will pass out any moment like i feel as i wont be able to support my body. Like its messed the way i feel like i will asleep or lose conscious any moment. I cant explain its that messed. Like at this moment i almost wish that i was having a panic attack, because i feel so out of it tired. Like i can go on about my mental/memory problems too, but these sleeping problems i have even after 8 hours of sleep in which i dream a lot and is mostly rem sleep first stage but still. like if you look up hepatic encephalopathy I have the same symptoms like i feel the next step is coma which is final symptom of liver failure/hepatic encephalopathy.... And if that was not enough now i have nausea and feel like i will throw up!!!! like if i dont go to emergency its game over . Like i am just looking for solace like is my liver failing and am i going into coma or can this just be anxiety but like how this messed up. Like right now i am living in the hope that maybe i have sleeping problem and i am not get enough sleep which i think i am but why do i feel like throwing up if it wasn’t a liver problem I just wanna wake up tom alive like have i messed up liver that much . PLZ HELP, i have been dealing with GAD for 4 years but nothing like this can this just be anxiety!!!

Sure it can be anxiety. Anxiety is a very, very powerful force and it can make you believe things are true when in fact they are not true. But to put your mind at ease, I suggest you make an appointment with a medical doctor who you trust, get a thorough physical exam, including lab work. If any liver or other medical issues are discovered, follow up on those. If not, focus your efforts on (1) improving your general health (be a healthy weight, eat well, get exercise, get enough sleep, don't take drugs or drink excessively) and (2) work on the anxiety including with a therapist.

04-14-2015, 07:31 PM
Your symptoms seem to coincide much more with an anxiety disorder (something you've been diagnosed with). I haven't read any on that list you wrote that I haven't suffered from, or seen somebody else suffer from. There's an anxiety symptom list in the sticky section of this forum, which includes symptoms you'd probably race to ER if you had, as there's no way you'd believe they were anxiety related.

Kuma gave some good advice. The best place to begin your journey is with a clean bill of physical health, so have some up to date blood work done and talk to your GP about any physical concerns you have. When those tests come back good, or good enough, which I believe they will, familiarize yourself with the patterns of hypochondria and anxiety.

04-14-2015, 07:36 PM
You poor thing! I assure you it can absolutely be anxiety. I went through a period of about 6 weeks during training for a job where I was physically sick with anxiety every single day and it just got worse as the training went on. not even my trusty ativan was helping. I would wake up and it felt like my nerves were on fire. I couldn't sleep past 5 am. I had diarrhea every morning and would often vomit and was unable to eat. I couldn't focus during training and ended up being terminateD. i had no idea why I was so anxious but it was all anxiety. I had never had such horrible anxiety in my life and never knew it could be so powerful. It can though! Trust me I am a huge hypochondriac and I immediately start to feel physically ill when I read stuff like that online etc, it has caused some of my worst panic attacks. Call your doctor just for some peace of mind buy I think it's honestly so much more likely that it's just anxiwty .

04-14-2015, 08:37 PM
You poor thing! I assure you it can absolutely be anxiety. I went through a period of about 6 weeks during training for a job where I was physically sick with anxiety every single day and it just got worse as the training went on. not even my trusty ativan was helping. I would wake up and it felt like my nerves were on fire. I couldn't sleep past 5 am. I had diarrhea every morning and would often vomit and was unable to eat. I couldn't focus during training and ended up being terminateD. i had no idea why I was so anxious but it was all anxiety. I had never had such horrible anxiety in my life and never knew it could be so powerful. It can though! Trust me I am a huge hypochondriac and I immediately start to feel physically ill when I read stuff like that online etc, it has caused some of my worst panic attacks. Call your doctor just for some peace of mind buy I think it's honestly so much more likely that it's just anxiwty .

Thx everyone for there help i am just so scared like i have nauesa right now and its scaring me because its a symptom of liver failure, and i am really freaking out i am just living everyday wishing ill wake up tom. Also i searched up nauesa and read things like i might be having meningitis,stroke, or hemmorage google is killing me. Ill try to see a doc tom thx if i wake up tho....

04-14-2015, 09:34 PM
"i think i have hepatic encephalopathy And why i think i am going into hepatic coma from that liver failure"

Without going into the whole anxiety thing, if you believe this, why don't you just go to a doctor instead of posting on the internet?

04-14-2015, 09:35 PM
Scratch that: if you believe you have "hepatic coma from that liver failure" why aren't you at the hospital? What am I missing here? I don't understand posts like this.

04-14-2015, 09:53 PM
Cause i wanna believe i dont even though i have all the symptoms that are listed in liver failure and think its anxiety.... Like i am feeling legarthy now where i can feel a serious disease coming on

04-14-2015, 10:23 PM
Cause i wanna believe i dont even though i have all the symptoms that are listed in liver failure and think its anxiety.... Like i am feeling legarthy now where i can feel a serious disease coming on

How can anyone here tell you if you have some type of liver failure? Why don;t you ask a doctor? These kind of posts are lost on me.

04-14-2015, 11:44 PM
I think you dont get anxiety

04-15-2015, 01:52 AM
I can guarantee it's only anxiety. If you start assuming a disease your body will mimic the symptoms. i've had this happen countless times over the past 5 years. Take it from someone who had 5 years of 24/7 symptoms without relent. For example mine started with panic attacks which lead to chest pain. my dad had a heart attack years back so i feared i'd have one. i googled heart attacks and read all the symptoms. Within a few weeks I was getting left arm pains, shoulder pains, heart palps, jaw pains and more n more chest pains. See the correlation?

You've had the tests and you're fine. Stop convincing yourself otherwise. You're young, you're not having liver failure.


04-15-2015, 05:31 AM
So today has been another awful day, where do i start first let me explain why i think i have hepatic encephalopathy And why i think i am going into hepatic coma from that liver failure. I was diagnosed with fatty liver about 4 years ago at the time i thought it wasnt much, now after four years i got my blood tested again about 3-4 years ago and i had elevated liver enzymes like double i should have, i went to get an liver ultra sound reports came and its still just a fatty liver and doctor said its nothing to worry about, but lose weight because this can effect you later on in your forties when you can become diabetic... I am 23.Since then i have actually gained weight from probably stressing too much, and things have not been looking too bright so i think i messed liver up more and pushed it too liver failure. Okay so now for last couple weeks its first started with me having this confusion ish feeling like i had no thoughts was mentally confused, cant remember anything,detached etc but i put it off as derealization or depersonalization from anxiety. Then slowly that got worse but now with it i have this lack of appetite plus when i do eat something my stomach is upset,stomach growls, messed up stools etc. now if that wasn't messed up enough since sunday i have been feeling so tired, so sleepy, like i will pass out any moment like i feel as i wont be able to support my body. Like its messed the way i feel like i will asleep or lose conscious any moment. I cant explain its that messed. Like at this moment i almost wish that i was having a panic attack, because i feel so out of it tired. Like i can go on about my mental/memory problems too, but these sleeping problems i have even after 8 hours of sleep in which i dream a lot and is mostly rem sleep first stage but still. like if you look up hepatic encephalopathy I have the same symptoms like i feel the next step is coma which is final symptom of liver failure/hepatic encephalopathy.... And if that was not enough now i have nausea and feel like i will throw up!!!! like if i dont go to emergency its game over . Like i am just looking for solace like is my liver failing and am i going into coma or can this just be anxiety but like how this messed up. Like right now i am living in the hope that maybe i have sleeping problem and i am not get enough sleep which i think i am but why do i feel like throwing up if it wasn’t a liver problem I just wanna wake up tom alive like have i messed up liver that much . PLZ HELP, i have been dealing with GAD for 4 years but nothing like this can this just be anxiety!!!

If you were having liver failure you'd know about it. Fatty liver is reversible - I had it from too much alcohol but it's normal now. Liver failure is a long way down the track from a fatty liver.


04-15-2015, 08:11 AM
I think you dont get anxiety

Panic Cured sometimes a hostile-sounding edge to his posts, which I personally find counterproductive -- but here he does have a point. You need to think about whether (1) you really believe that you might have a serious liver disease, or (2) you are entirely confident that you do not have a serious liver disease and instead you know that it is anxiety.

If you think the former, you should go to a doctor and get it checked out. The doctor may give you a hepatic function panel and/or some other tests and then you will know whether you do, or do not, have liver disease.

If you find out that you do not have liver disease -- or if you decide to skip the medical exam because you know that you don't have liver disease -- then you need to focus on the anxiety. If you do not focus on the anxiety, then you will probably continue to have intense fear of health issues, and maybe other issues, that that can reduce the quality of your life.

So what are you going to do? What is your next step?

04-15-2015, 04:07 PM
I think you dont get anxiety

I went from severe anxiety to none. Yep, I don't get it.

You post you may have have liver coma, (is that a real thing?) from liver failure, I suggest go to the hospital and find out. One thing you will always get from me, is common sense logic. How can someone here tell you for certain it is not a liver failure it's anxiety?

04-15-2015, 04:18 PM
Well, go get another check up before JUMPING to friggen conclusions. 2ndly the doctor is the only 1 who may order labs and evaluate from there on forth. Then between the check up and the current labs only then will the med professional be able to tell you if there is a physical problem to worry about or NOT.. perhaps you are like me in some ways and from not eating we wear ourselves down and feel therefore so bad that we feel like vomiting. However we actually need to be more careful of the type of foods and quality of the foods eaten to help our bvody feel better. Exercise too is VERY important. Its like water to a fish bowl. humans need exercise especially if every once in a blue moon we eat too much. Exercise is also good in blood pressure reduction, stress reduction, and leading one to feel physically better overall. Get checked out, your body isn't a petri dish for guess work. Use solid facts to determine before diagnosing you self. Let the doctor take the lead and then you follow the directions which are recommended. GOOD LUCK.