View Full Version : Anxiety/depression

04-13-2015, 09:52 PM
Is it me or do other people experience this type of anxiety?. I get episodes of anxiety that last for days, and it get's very overwhelming, after a couple of days of anxiety I start feeling very depressed, and that last for a couple days to. Am I the only person that goes through this?

04-13-2015, 10:25 PM
I think everyone has it like you. Maybe there are some differences but still long period of elevated stress level will end up in depression........

04-14-2015, 09:06 PM
Thanks, but would look keep more input if anyone else could help.

04-14-2015, 10:21 PM
What you've described pretty much is how I experience anxiety and depression. Very rarely do I experience both at once they kind of cycle back and forth and sometimes my anxiety will cause depression but not the other way around. This week I'm a passenger on the anxiety train. I'm medicated (Cymbalta and Buspirone) but I've felt anxious/on edge for 2-4 days now. I do yoga to help with both the anxiety and depression but I was having problems focusing at class tonight so it wasn't as relaxing as usual. Last week my anxiety was more under control but my mood wasn't the best.

04-15-2015, 08:14 AM
I find anxiety draining, and it can, for me, lead to some depression. I try REALLY hard to push back against the depression, rather than allowing myself to fall deeper into it. But it can be a struggle, sometimes.

04-15-2015, 08:40 AM
"It is somewhat fashionable to place feelings above conscious
thoughts, the idea being that emotions are more basic and natural
than conscious reasoning is. The two actually go together but your
conscious thinking largely determines your emotions, and not the
other way around. Your beliefs generate the appropriate emotion that
is implied. A long period of inner depression does not just come
upon you. Your emotions do not betray you. Instead, over a period of
time you have been consciously entertaining negative beliefs that
then generated the strong feelings of despondency.

If emotion could be trusted above conscious reasoning then there
would be little point in aware thought at all. You would not need it.

You are not at the mercy of your emotions, either, for they are
meant to follow the flow of your reasoning. Your mind is meant to
perceive the physical environment clearly, and its judgments about
the environment then activate the body's mechanisms to bring about
proper response. If your beliefs about existence are fearful, then
the emotional reactions will be those leading to stress. Your own
value judgments need examination in such a case.

Your imagination of course fires your emotions, and it also follows
your beliefs faithfully. As you think so you feel, and not the other
way around."

~ Seth (Jane Roberts) – The Nature of Personal Reality,
Session 620, Oct. 11, 1972

04-15-2015, 08:52 AM
The length of anxiety episodes differs from person to person. I have anxiety episodes and attacks and I must admit that it can be really draining, it also often leads to depressing thoughts for me. I suggest you start small. Do something you enjoy, eat something you like, talk to someone close to you, it can just be casual talk and in the meantime know that it is all just a manifestation of your thoughts into something physical. When you feel anxious or depressed do something that distracts you from these thoughts. Try to accept your thoughts and work through it with someone who is willing to listen.

Try to enjoy your life rather than doing nothing and letting your thoughts and anxieties get to you.

This is just how I handle my anxieties but I hope it helps.

Best wishes! :)

04-17-2015, 01:14 AM
Thank you guys :)

04-17-2015, 11:36 PM
Is it me or do other people experience this type of anxiety?. I get episodes of anxiety that last for days, and it get's very overwhelming, after a couple of days of anxiety I start feeling very depressed, and that last for a couple days to. Am I the only person that goes through this?

Thats the cycle, anxiety then depression

04-18-2015, 06:15 AM
Stay with me now, don't step off the ride until the end :

Thats the cycle, anxiety then depression

Yes of course depression follows anxiety. One cannot solve the anxiety dilemma and so despondency follows quite naturally.

Now, that seems to be the case, doesn't it?

Truth is, this 'depressive state' has been with most of you for years since childhood (early, say kinder) - ultimately forming some sort of symptoms (anxiety), corroborating the 'depressive' state that was the catalyst to begin with. (the revolving door 'syndrome'). Who was first, the chicken (depression) or the egg (the depressive states physical equivalent or manifestation). Anxiety, (and many other mental/physical states) also follow depression.

In fact most of your lives are spent bouncing in between these 2 states. When the odd moments come between this mental masturbation you may feel euphoric, go shopping and proclaim you independence from the 'illness' only to bounce back into normal patterns (the 2 states) moments later with an attack out of the blue.

Now, an example to show you where all this can come from :

Through recall you might find yourself sitting in kinder care worried that mom has abandoned you, this went on for many months until you convinced self that you are unlovable (the birth of a belief). Now you have forgotten the anxiety within that child, and also the unsolvable overwhelming problem of consistent abandonment.

That is just one example of multitudes of probable experiences one may have had.

There was a 'habit' formed at that young age. The habit of feeling powerless in the face of problems and the in- ability to solve life issues. Most of you still hold those beliefs, of a 5 year old you see. But heres the key, a 5 year old cannot solve problems (with clarity), the nervous system and brain are not sufficiently developed to interpret reality correctly. So here most of you are, 20-30+ years later, lets say, and still dealing with life as that 5 year old. Powerless and weak to resolve even the smallest of life issues (this is the result of the belief or 'fact' not any disability). And in the case of the child who experienced the above scenario at kinder, alone, afraid, and unloved now as an adult.

This is the 'power' of beliefs.

The purpose of posts like this is when you (every reader, yes you) are finished digesting it, you can see just a little clearer.

Typographical emphasis is intentional.

"You are not at the mercy of your emotions, either, for they are
meant to follow the flow of your reasoning. Your mind is meant to
perceive the physical environment clearly, and its judgments about
the environment then activate the body's mechanisms to bring about
proper response. If your beliefs about existence are fearful, then
the emotional reactions will be those leading to stress. Your own
value judgments need examination in such a case.

Your imagination of course fires your emotions, and it also follows
your beliefs faithfully. As you think so you feel, and not the other
way around."
