View Full Version : How can I put my life back into place?

08-15-2008, 04:45 AM
Hello everyone!
I'm posting because I have a lot of problems because of anxiety.
I realised this when my heart was racing and I had butterflies in my stomach... because I was going to take an eye exam :unsure: It was surely an overreaction... Thinking about it more made me realize that I panic about everything, and I do mean everything. This is making me irritable and feel like I'm always on the run, like I always forgot something, have something to do... I don't know how to express this feeling...
The bad thing is that now I'm starting to have trouble sleeping. I am tired in an hour after I wake up and I have superficial sleep almost always.

I'm a mess! :ack:

Plus, next year I'm taking this huge exam and I'm already stressing about it and about my new job (even if I'm a pro at what I do, I'm really stressed that I'll mess up and waste my chance).

It's always like this about anything I do.

Oh yes, I don't know if this means anything... but my room is a complete mess. I mean it. You can't even step somewhere without stepping on something... and I hate it and sometimes I clean it up but they pile up again. I just can't deal with that.

Please help, I feel lost :sigh:

08-17-2008, 12:50 PM
one step at a time Christina, you gotta be willing to hit that "restart" button in your life, basically nothing else matter now but your happiness, and the stability of your mood. You gotta commit yourself to that type of life. Meaning dont make a big deal about every little disappointment in your life, past experience, friends, because no one cares but you, no ones making a big deal about it but you. Long term stress will have that kinda effect on you, its okay, you gotta be willing to do things that will uplife your mood and then youll have a "birds eye view" on these little problems that seem big to you right now, first things you gotta do is do not socially isolate yourself, if you got bad friends, just talk to new people about random stuff, little conversations, and two you gotta excercise and eat right, start to do it even if you cant do it well at first. You are always in control of your life, theres no start or end, theres only you that is mapping and navigating.