View Full Version : GAD or Bipolar2

Felix Sky
04-13-2015, 02:43 PM
I started Zoloft about a month ago. 25mg, then 50mg, then 100mg. While on the 50mg, I felt so much better, but was too anxious on the 100mg dose so the doctor suggested I go back to 50mg until our next session
She originally thought that I might have Bi-Polar 2 or some light version of that, but during our second session she reversed and thought that it is probably GAD, but was not 100% convinced
Its been about a week since I went back down to 50mg and first few days I felt pretty crappy. More anxious than usual and could not really concentrate much. The other thing was that the last three or four nights I would have wake up at 3 or 4am full of adrenalin and not feeling anxious per say, but more nervous than anxious. With-in an hour or two I could go back to sleep.
Now, last few days I have been feeling much better. My concentration is better than its been in years. I am able to get stuff done around the house and at work. Wife is telling me that I am a lot calmer and less of an a$$hole =)
I've done extensive reading on Bipolar2\Hypomania because my doctor thought I was Bipolar (I was talking fast, but I always talk fast) and I also don't really get too depressed, especially lately. All I have is anxiety, inability to concentrate, and extensive worry. Also mild hypochondria. All typical symptoms of GAD. And last but not least, muscle tension.
Do you think this is Zoloft starting to work and my body is still adjusting or, as she explained to me, taking SSRIs may make someone who is Bipolar, or is prone to it, feel manic?????
I don't feel manic now, but I do feel energetic, focused, detail oriented, and driven to get stuff done. Only negative effects right now are some anxious thoughts, also that my body is a bit jittery and I have super mild nausea.