View Full Version : The philosophy which changed my life and helped me recover from anxiety

04-12-2015, 12:04 PM
Hello all, hope everyone's had a good weekend.

I've not been on the forum for a few weeks, been very busy with things. However, I got a bit of free time today and wanted to share something with you which made a huge difference in me recovering from anxiety.

For years I used to go between times of high anxiety and feeling at rock bottom and other times when I began to feel a little better and like I could just about cope. The problem was the times of feeling better didn't last and it wasn't long until I'd start to slip back into the high anxiety again.

It was a viscous circle and I just couldn't seem to break free from it and get to where I wanted to be.

One day I read a great book called 'the slight edge' which although has nothing to do with anxiety, explained exactly what was happening and why I was stuck in this cycle.

The idea talked about in the book is a huge part of the reason I feel so much better today, and I wanted to share this with you in hope it would help you too.

I have written an in-depth article all about this and how it applies to anxiety sufferers. I really believe it is something very important for all anxiety sufferers to understand.

You can read it here: http://www.calmandcourageous.com/reason-struggle-recover-from-anxiety-philosophy/

I'd love to hear your feedback and please share it with others if you feel it will help them too.

NOTE: This is not a spam link, this is my own personal blog which I am writing to help others with anxiety, I am not selling anything or trying to make money in anyway. My hope is that I can help others who are still struggling with their anxiety, it is not something I'd wish upon anyone.

Many thanks and best wishes to all
Hugo :)