View Full Version : Voicing my thoughts

04-12-2015, 10:16 AM
I'm getting a bit frustrated about being unable to participate in conversations or debates. I've even some people just choosing not to talk to me because I'm boring.

Take for example an issue that's been talked about lately. The first time someone brings it up and wants to know what I think about it. So i'll either just listen and not comment because I've only just heard about it and need more information. I don't have an opinion, and can't make one up on the spot. Or I'll agree with the person, not because I want to or I actually do agree with them (or even know what i've agreed with) but because I get anxious, I get overstimulated and can't concentrate and people take advantage of that. So then I go away and read up on it, I decide which side I agree with, and the subject gets brought up again. I still can't comment because again I get anxious, I get overstimulated and can't concentrate and I forget any points I want to make. And when new points are brought up i can't even begin to think about it.

Now i've read up on all the logic fallacies when debating, and quite often there are people (on both sides) who i just want to say "you know, that was fuckin stupid, what you just said there" but I can't.

The debate was just an example. This happens with pretty much everything. We watch a movie and someone asks me how it was and all I can reply is "Good". This also happens when I try to write. I want nothing more than to just be able to write. But I always freeze up when i go to do it, even if I know what i want to write about. I know what I write might be crap, in fact I kinda want to write crap because at least it'd be progress.

For the longest time I thought it was writers block or anxiety. But now that i'm dealing with anxiety i'm finding out that it's the overstimulation thats the problem, like I have so much information coming in that I just freeze up.

So I'm thinking maybe adhd. I have actually been diagnose with ADHD without hyperactivity before (long time ago). My current psych doesn't think I do have it, but I'm starting to think that he's kinda a bit shit. If anyone has any ideas about this it would be greatly appreciated.

04-19-2015, 08:15 AM
Does anyone have any ideas about where I can go to get info on this?

04-19-2015, 08:44 AM
I'm getting a bit frustrated about being unable to participate in conversations or debates. I've even some people just choosing not to talk to me because I'm boring.

Take for example an issue that's been talked about lately. The first time someone brings it up and wants to know what I think about it. So i'll either just listen and not comment because I've only just heard about it and need more information. I don't have an opinion, and can't make one up on the spot. Or I'll agree with the person, not because I want to or I actually do agree with them (or even know what i've agreed with) but because I get anxious, I get overstimulated and can't concentrate and people take advantage of that. So then I go away and read up on it, I decide which side I agree with, and the subject gets brought up again. I still can't comment because again I get anxious, I get overstimulated and can't concentrate and I forget any points I want to make. And when new points are brought up i can't even begin to think about it.

Now i've read up on all the logic fallacies when debating, and quite often there are people (on both sides) who i just want to say "you know, that was fuckin stupid, what you just said there" but I can't.

The debate was just an example. This happens with pretty much everything. We watch a movie and someone asks me how it was and all I can reply is "Good". This also happens when I try to write. I want nothing more than to just be able to write. But I always freeze up when i go to do it, even if I know what i want to write about. I know what I write might be crap, in fact I kinda want to write crap because at least it'd be progress.

For the longest time I thought it was writers block or anxiety. But now that i'm dealing with anxiety i'm finding out that it's the overstimulation thats the problem, like I have so much information coming in that I just freeze up.

So I'm thinking maybe adhd. I have actually been diagnose with ADHD without hyperactivity before (long time ago). My current psych doesn't think I do have it, but I'm starting to think that he's kinda a bit shit. If anyone has any ideas about this it would be greatly appreciated.

I read this when you posted it but I didn't reply because I simply don't know enough about what's going on. If it is ADHD I don't know enough about that either. I think you might need to see a different psych if you think this one is a bit shit (lol).

I can understand the freezing up with other people because of anxiety but not so much when you're trying to write. I mean there's nothing that should give you anxiety there (unless it's some stressful school thing). So I just don't know sorry..

04-19-2015, 09:22 AM
I can completely relate to the part of not being able to pay attention when talking to people, getting anxious and all the stuff you wrote about that. I always thought it's just social anxiety or social phobia. It does look like social anxiety, but the writing part confuses me. Maybe you're anxious when writing because you're afraid what other people will think of your work?