View Full Version : I have found a really helpful book

08-15-2008, 01:25 AM
Jut a suggestion but my sister also suffers from severe anxiety and has been reading this book called "you Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay about the mind-body connection and how our feelings can manifest itself into physical symptoms. It also shows how you can change your thought pattern and control your symptoms.

I came into the experience open minded and positive. Well, after one month, I have seen my anxiety go down considerably. I say the affirmations when I get anxious and it really helps me control those feelings.

I used to get nervous about walking in high place or driving under bridges. It was due to not trusting the process of life and trying to control every single thing in my life. This books helps you identify why you are feeling the way you are. It's pretty amazing. Anyways, I hope that it's helpful to anyone that might not want to use medication or even in conjunction with traditional treatment.
