View Full Version : Low on meds.

04-10-2015, 01:11 PM
I'm low on sertraline, and now I have to wait to get more. I have enough left to last until this coming Wednesday. My mom ordered more 2 days ago, and she said my doctor will take care of it. What if it doesn't come next week? I'm worried I'll suffer withdrawal.

04-10-2015, 01:22 PM
I'm low on sertraline, and now I have to wait to get more. I have enough left to last until this coming Wednesday. My mom ordered more 2 days ago, and she said my doctor will take care of it. What if it doesn't come next week? I'm worried I'll suffer withdrawal.

Why would it not come in on time? I don't know where you are located, but where I live there are probably 25 pharmacies within a 30 minute drive that would have Zoloft in stock. So all the doc would have to do is call in a prescription and it would be ready in less than an hour. If you live someplace where medications are in short supply or there are not many pharmacies, etc., then maybe you need to call the doctor and have a conversation with him about how to get you the meds by next Wednesday. But at least where I live this would be a total non issue.

04-10-2015, 01:28 PM
Why would it not come in on time? I don't know where you are located, but where I live there are probably 25 pharmacies within a 30 minute drive that would have Zoloft in stock. So all the doc would have to do is call in a prescription and it would be ready in less than an hour. If you live someplace where medications are in short supply or there are not many pharmacies, etc., then maybe you need to call the doctor and have a conversation with him about how to get you the meds by next Wednesday. But at least where I live this would be a total non issue.

So, it'll probably come in time?

I can't remember the last time I had to go a day without meds.

Mom said I'll go to a new doctor Thursday, and he might put me on something else. Since I'm low, she's suggested only taking half every day until the appointment.

04-12-2015, 08:46 AM
So, it'll probably come in time?

I can't remember the last time I had to go a day without meds.

Mom said I'll go to a new doctor Thursday, and he might put me on something else. Since I'm low, she's suggested only taking half every day until the appointment.

What is the issue with getting Zoloft? Why do you think you might not be able to get it on time? How do you get your medications? Do you get them by mail or do you go to a pharmacy to get them? If the latter, can you call the pharmacy and see whether they have Zoloft in stock? Or if you think there is really a problem getting the medication on time, can you call the doctor and see whether there is something that can be done?

Regarding the idea of taking half every day until the appointment, I would suggest that -- if you are considering that -- you call the doctor and ask whether that is a good idea. I would typically NOT alter prescribed dosing without first consulting with the doctor.

04-12-2015, 03:47 PM
What is the issue with getting Zoloft? Why do you think you might not be able to get it on time? How do you get your medications? Do you get them by mail or do you go to a pharmacy to get them? If the latter, can you call the pharmacy and see whether they have Zoloft in stock? Or if you think there is really a problem getting the medication on time, can you call the doctor and see whether there is something that can be done?

Regarding the idea of taking half every day until the appointment, I would suggest that -- if you are considering that -- you call the doctor and ask whether that is a good idea. I would typically NOT alter prescribed dosing without first consulting with the doctor.

I've gotten them by picking up orders at a nearby pharmacy. My meds are given to a nearby pharmacy, and I pick them up.

This time, I was told the doctor would do it, but my doctor retired, and I'll meet the new doctor on Thursday. What if he doesn't give me the prescription after the appointment? What if the pharmacy tells me I'll have to wait a couple of days to get it?

He might also decide I don't need it anymore, and give me something else.

I'd still need a doctor's prescription for sertraline, if I called a pharmacy.

04-12-2015, 04:19 PM
I've gotten them by picking up orders at a nearby pharmacy. My meds are given to a nearby pharmacy, and I pick them up.

This time, I was told the doctor would do it, but my doctor retired, and I'll meet the new doctor on Thursday. What if he doesn't give me the prescription after the appointment? What if the pharmacy tells me I'll have to wait a couple of days to get it?

He might also decide I don't need it anymore, and give me something else.

I'd still need a doctor's prescription for sertraline, if I called a pharmacy.

Hey I just wanted to comment on something that strikes me in this post - sorry it isn't really about the actual issue. It's the "what ifs".. They show how much of a worrier you are :)

I used to do this a lot but have taught myself not to. This is a big part of anxiety - playing scenarios over in your head and looking for things that can go wrong.

Just an observation :)

Gypsy x

04-13-2015, 08:49 AM
You guys are probably wondering, "Why would the doctor not give you a prescription after the appointment?".

04-13-2015, 08:55 AM
I've gotten them by picking up orders at a nearby pharmacy. My meds are given to a nearby pharmacy, and I pick them up.

This time, I was told the doctor would do it, but my doctor retired, and I'll meet the new doctor on Thursday. What if he doesn't give me the prescription after the appointment? What if the pharmacy tells me I'll have to wait a couple of days to get it?

He might also decide I don't need it anymore, and give me something else.

I'd still need a doctor's prescription for sertraline, if I called a pharmacy.

No sensible doc would cut you off of your SSRI just like that. That'd be incredibly irresponsible.

Also, virtually every pharmacy in your country should have Zoloft/Setraline. It's as common in the West as bread and milk.

I think you'll be ok. I personally wouldn't change anything just yet, but if you get better advice from someone around you, do take that instead!

04-13-2015, 12:46 PM
No sensible doc would cut you off of your SSRI just like that. That'd be incredibly irresponsible.

Also, virtually every pharmacy in your country should have Zoloft/Setraline. It's as common in the West as bread and milk.

I think you'll be ok. I personally wouldn't change anything just yet, but if you get better advice from someone around you, do take that instead!

Do you think I'll have to wait a few days before I get my refill?

My mom said we might have to get an appointment with someone else to get my sertraline. What if I have to wait until next week for that appointment?

04-13-2015, 01:16 PM
Do you think I'll have to wait a few days before I get my refill?

My mom said we might have to get an appointment with someone else to get my sertraline. What if I have to wait until next week for that appointment?

Whereabouts do you live? Doctors are really good when it comes to SSRIs. They know you get get withdrawal symptoms when missing a few doses, so they try and be as efficient as possible. I've forgotten to renew my script so many times in the past, but called up my doc or my pharmacy and gotten my prescription within the hour.

If you live in a smaller town, it may be different, but any medium-large sized area, you'll surely have a doc and a pharmacy who know the deal.