View Full Version : depersonalization sufferer... last symptom and first.

04-10-2015, 07:26 AM
HELLO fellow anxiety sufferers. Just going to introduce myself. I have had anxiety in the past for 3-4 months (I think) and it waa triggered by smoking green. I don't remember how it went away or what even happened... All I know is it was much easier then this time around. The second time.. I was introduced to depersonalization. Now don't get me wrong..I bet the depersonalization would have went away shortly... but I decided to focus on it and consume my life into it. I thought I was going mad. I always say I'd rather have panic attacks and hard anxiety then feel depersonalization. Now I just feel weird about everything. I feel weird in my own skin. Really I haven't felt that deep pit in my stomach .... tripping out panic attack in I can't remember how long... 6..7 months. I just can't get past this "feel weird in my body" sensation. It's shit. Makes me think it will last forever. If anyone has ANY tips how to overcome it and get feel in comfortable again please let me know.

04-10-2015, 09:08 AM
Hey there,

The thing with anxiety is it goes through all sorts of weird phases, especially at the start. It's been a long time for me since my first major episode but I remember how it changed. You do tend to think each thing will last forever and that makes you more anxious, but it won't.

Depersonalisation and feeling "weird in your skin" is a result of being too introspective basically. Anxious people scan themselves constantly for any small thing that might be wrong, even if we aren't conscious of it. So try to do things that take you away from your head. I think physical exercise is good for that, but anything that "grounds" you. Going for walks in nature for example.

Also, just knowing it's a common symptom of anxiety and you aren't going mad helps :)

All the best,
Gypsy x

04-10-2015, 10:20 AM
I work a lot...I feel fine no anxiety really... just feel kind of odd sometimes. I'm sure the less I focus on it The quicker it will go away. Thanks for the reply.

04-16-2015, 06:08 AM
So how do people say they have depersonalization for we years. For 15 years.

04-16-2015, 07:22 AM
So how do people say they have depersonalization for we years. For 15 years.

Do they? I don't know.. I don't get it much at all anymore.

04-16-2015, 09:19 AM
How do u know when u r cured

04-17-2015, 09:47 AM
How do u know when u r cured

When you're no longer thinking about being cured.

04-17-2015, 09:52 AM
Good way to put it lol. Short and simple. Ahhhh I feel SO good compared to before but I guess you can say I'm a bit freaked out if the thoughts return and start to scare me again..I guess that's anxiety itself for you!!

04-17-2015, 07:50 PM
How do u know when u r cured

I'm not :) but I handle things a lot better. I had the depersonalisation stuff more in the early days of anxiety/depression. That was twenty years ago. I think you just get less freaked out by stuff as you get older (unless you're my mother! But that's another story.)

04-17-2015, 08:32 PM
So how do people say they have depersonalization for we years. For 15 years.
I do not believe it, it comes and goes but does not stay with us all the time. Anxiety is like chameleon, always changing......... Do you have a dog?

Gypsy are you sure you are not my daughter? :))

04-17-2015, 08:43 PM
I do not believe it, it comes and goes but does not stay with us all the time. Anxiety is like chameleon, always changing......... Do you have a dog?

Gypsy are you sure you are not my daughter? :))

Hahaha! My mother is actually from your part of the world (Latvia).

04-17-2015, 08:54 PM
So maybe we slovacks are kind of similar, my daughter complains that everything fricks me up

04-17-2015, 09:54 PM
Yes I have a dog. And thanks for the replies. They mean a lot. I just want reassurance that dp lingering sensations will go away. I don't feel scared anymore .. just more like odd.

04-17-2015, 11:23 PM
HELLO fellow anxiety sufferers. Just going to introduce myself. I have had anxiety in the past for 3-4 months (I think) and it waa triggered by smoking green. I don't remember how it went away or what even happened... All I know is it was much easier then this time around. The second time.. I was introduced to depersonalization. Now don't get me wrong..I bet the depersonalization would have went away shortly... but I decided to focus on it and consume my life into it. I thought I was going mad. I always say I'd rather have panic attacks and hard anxiety then feel depersonalization. Now I just feel weird about everything. I feel weird in my own skin. Really I haven't felt that deep pit in my stomach .... tripping out panic attack in I can't remember how long... 6..7 months. I just can't get past this "feel weird in my body" sensation. It's shit. Makes me think it will last forever. If anyone has ANY tips how to overcome it and get feel in comfortable again please let me know.

I have had a taste of depersonalization on the small scale. I too felt like I was not in my own skin. It was freaky. I just felt weird and not myself the majority of the time. It seemed to have gone away when my SSRI stabilized. A benzo helped when I didnt want to endure it. I just kept hoping and waiting for the day I felt like my old self. I am much better. That SUCKED. I was a heavy cannibus user as well before that season, no more of that! My tip is like everyone elses, eat healthy, exercise, try to do relaxing things.

Best wishes to you

04-18-2015, 08:03 AM
So maybe we slovacks are kind of similar, my daughter complains that everything fricks me up

It could be a WW2 thing. As a child my mother was a refugee in Germany and then Australia (fleeing the Russians) and she says she never really got over it.

04-18-2015, 09:14 AM
Yes I know it's going to be ok. It's just been a while.