View Full Version : 1 anxiety symptom that is so annoying

04-09-2015, 07:06 PM
hey guys I am a 25 year old male. Ive had social anxiety as far back as I can remember. Ive always been shy but no super shy, I can still go places and interact with people. My main issue is that when someone makes fun of me or cracks a joke and everyone starts looking at me I turn red in the face (blushing). Since last August Ive been getting the most annoying symptom which is having hot flashes around the core of my body. This is so annoying because even when im in a very good mood and happy I still get these hot flashes and feeling hot through out the entire day except at night when im sleeping. Before I use to only turn red for a minute and that would go away and id be fine. Now when i get emberrased I turn red and have an extreme hot flash where my whole body gets sweaty and hot. But like I said even when im not around people I still get these hot flashes but in a less severe form then when im actually in a emberasing situation. I didnt make the connection between the hot flashes and anxiety until a couple weeks ago. I literly tried everything from elimintaing certain foods and been going to doctors to do tests and they said everything is fine. One of them finally mentioned it could be from anxiety and thats what got me thinking. Like stated before Ive never had physical symptoms from anxiety except the blushing , why the hot flashes now? its been over 7 months now and they are still the same. I feel like it makes my anxiety worse because im constantly thinking about it and trying to prevent it. If only this one symptom were to go away I feel like I can try practicing not to blush when im around people and everything would be great. I interact with people everyday because its part of my job and the blushing only happens sometimes but like I said even when I interact with a big group and everything goes well and I dont blush I still get those hot flashes through out the day...I really dont want to be put on perscription meds..Ive heard som people try Tyrosine supplement which is natural herb for anxiety issues which I want to try. Also the hot flashes are worse when im doing physical activity ,but even when im sitting i feel clamy and sweaty and want to take a shower! does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks

04-10-2015, 08:33 AM
Hi there and welcome :)

I occasionally get hot and sweaty from anxiety but only when it's really full-on. It seems strange that you get it even when you're in a good mood or asleep. It sounds like a hormonal thing but I really don't know..

Sorry I can't be of more help!

Gypsy x

04-10-2015, 05:43 PM
Just to clarify, I dont get it at night when im sleeping. Only during the day weather I have anxiety or not. It comes and goes many times during the day. It seems like I can deal with the shyness pretty well and ive been making efforts to talk to with people more and be more social. If this hot flash symptom went away everything would be great! ugghhh so annoying. Especially when its humid and hot out.

Hi there and welcome :)

I occasionally get hot and sweaty from anxiety but only when it's really full-on. It seems strange that you get it even when you're in a good mood or asleep. It sounds like a hormonal thing but I really don't know..

Sorry I can't be of more help!

Gypsy x

04-13-2015, 08:31 PM
You mentioned you went to the doctor; did they rule out hyperhidrosis? It appeared out of nowhere for me when I was about 14 (10 yrs ago), and I've been taking prescription medication for it since then, Glycopyrrolate. No side effects, other than that I can't take it when I'm going to be out on a hot day because it doesn't let my body cool off as effectively. Also not addictive, you can start and stop it as you please.
I hope your sweating is just a symptom of anxiety (which can be managed/overcome!), but if it does turn out to be hyperhidrosis, also manageable.

PS isn't it the worst when people draw attention to the fact that you're turning red?! I also have an issue with blushing when all eyes on me, and some jerk always has to say "look at how red she's getting!". Where are people's manners!?

04-13-2015, 10:49 PM
You mentioned you went to the doctor; did they rule out hyperhidrosis? It appeared out of nowhere for me when I was about 14 (10 yrs ago), and I've been taking prescription medication for it since then, Glycopyrrolate. No side effects, other than that I can't take it when I'm going to be out on a hot day because it doesn't let my body cool off as effectively. Also not addictive, you can start and stop it as you please.
I hope your sweating is just a symptom of anxiety (which can be managed/overcome!), but if it does turn out to be hyperhidrosis, also manageable.

PS isn't it the worst when people draw attention to the fact that you're turning red?! I also have an issue with blushing when all eyes on me, and some jerk always has to say "look at how red she's getting!". Where are people's manners!?

Thanks for the input. I looked up hyperhydrosis and it doesnt really seem like what I have. Its not so much as just sweating, its more of a hot burning feeling, basically a hot flash. It gets to the point where I sweat and get really hot but only if im eberassed alot. But even when im not emberresed i still feel hot and have hot flashes all day. Some days its better then others. Sometimes it gets me thinking if it is actually from anxiety because like I stated before even when im in a super good mood ill end up getting it. So annoying. I have another doctors appointment soon, later this month for more tests. Im pretty sure everything will come back good and then ill have to have a talk with my doc about anxiety. I really would like to avoid medication but at this point if itll help me feel normal again ill try anyhting. The magnesium supplemts and amino acid thing is not really working. Ive been on it for 5 or so days not and no change. Sometimes I wish it was something physicallly wrong with me and not anxiety because if it ends up being anxiety then I have no idea how im going to fix it. I would understand that if im always feeling anxious and down then I would have the hot flashes, and If i feel in a good mood and very happy then I shouldnt have hot flashes but I still do!! ughhh anyways thanks guys if anyone has any other suggestions I would love to hear them. Ive always been a shy person and because of the job I have now I have to interact with people more and that gives me a chance to practice being more social and not shy around people. It would make sense if my hot flashes started at the same time I started this job but it didnt, it started a good few months before this job.

PS: Yes i absoultey have when someone notices that im turning red and they point it out makes it that much worse!!

04-15-2015, 07:49 PM
From what you've noticed, do you seem to think of anything specific before the hot flashes begin?
I used to think my anxiety symptoms came out of nowhere, but the more I paid attention to it, the more I noticed that I always thought of something worrying or negative before it would come on.
As far as dealing with anxiety if that's what your doc confirms it is, I really haven't read many books, but I would recommend Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies. It's helped me understand what anxiety is, and how to gain control over it. Not as daunting once you realize how common is, and how many different techniques there are to get a handle on it.

04-15-2015, 08:00 PM
From what you've noticed, do you seem to think of anything specific before the hot flashes begin?
I used to think my anxiety symptoms came out of nowhere, but the more I paid attention to it, the more I noticed that I always thought of something worrying or negative before it would come on.
As far as dealing with anxiety if that's what your doc confirms it is, I really haven't read many books, but I would recommend Overcoming Anxiety for Dummies. It's helped me understand what anxiety is, and how to gain control over it. Not as daunting once you realize how common is, and how many different techniques there are to get a handle on it.

I guess I wake up worrying that I will get the hot flashes. I actually quit smoking pot a few days ago which I know I'm stupid buy I've been doing it once a day after work to relax for a fairly long time now. Like I said I'm willing to try anything so I thought maybe the pot is somehow contributing to it. The next day I was driving to work with a few Co workers and I started to have symptoms of a panic attack. I felt so horrible. They were just talking and I started to feel nauseous and turn red and sweat and increased heart rate. This is because stopping smoking pot can increase anxiety symptoms. Today I went into doctors office cause I was so fed up and he prescribed me zoloft 50mg. Alot of people have stated that it does take a couple weeks usually sometimes less for it to start working but it has changed people's life's. Well anyways I hope that goes well. I don't want to be taking medication for ever my goal or plan is for this medicine to work so I can focus on practicing my social skills and overcome this anxiety. It's really not that bad even at doctors office I was talking with a Co worker I seen there just fine and there was a pretty hot nurse around my age that I was able to talk to just fine. I'm just scared that if I get off the meds, considering it works for me, that once I stop I will get the hot flashes again! Ugh I never thought I would have this problem. Ps, I have lab tests next week to make sure nothing else is causing the hot flashes. Will keep you guys posted on how the zoloft works out..

04-16-2015, 11:15 PM
I guess I wake up worrying that I will get the hot flashes. I actually quit smoking pot a few days ago which I know I'm stupid buy I've been doing it once a day after work to relax for a fairly long time now. Like I said I'm willing to try anything so I thought maybe the pot is somehow contributing to it. The next day I was driving to work with a few Co workers and I started to have symptoms of a panic attack. I felt so horrible. They were just talking and I started to feel nauseous and turn red and sweat and increased heart rate. This is because stopping smoking pot can increase anxiety symptoms. Today I went into doctors office cause I was so fed up and he prescribed me zoloft 50mg. Alot of people have stated that it does take a couple weeks usually sometimes less for it to start working but it has changed people's life's. Well anyways I hope that goes well. I don't want to be taking medication for ever my goal or plan is for this medicine to work so I can focus on practicing my social skills and overcome this anxiety. It's really not that bad even at doctors office I was talking with a Co worker I seen there just fine and there was a pretty hot nurse around my age that I was able to talk to just fine. I'm just scared that if I get off the meds, considering it works for me, that once I stop I will get the hot flashes again! Ugh I never thought I would have this problem. Ps, I have lab tests next week to make sure nothing else is causing the hot flashes. Will keep you guys posted on how the zoloft works out..

I'm done with the zoloft. I know it takes a while to start working but the side effects are not worth it and I have regular anxiety from it along with social anxiety. It makes me feel very weird and I cannot eat a thing which is a huge problem for me since I am trying gain weight and workout. In the past month I have gained around 10lb half muscle half fat which I'm really proud of and if I stay on this medicine I will lose that plus more. Not worth feeling like this. Wake up every few min at night with huge headaches. Cannot swallow saliva easily and just a general horrible feeling. I'm starting to think it might not be anxiety that's causing the hot flashes. I just have no idea what's going on. I have lab tests next Thursday so I will keep u guys posted