View Full Version : managing anxiety

04-09-2015, 02:47 AM
hi all,
with the help of this fantastic forum ......thank you everyone; i have been able to understand and generally manage my anxiety.
however, there is one particular, intermittent, symptom i am having trouble dealing with; which is that unpleasant and disquieting feeling of my heart thumping in my throat.
it seems to happen without apparent reason and is not a regular occurence.........it lasts sometimes a few hours or maybe a day or two.
i don't seem to be able stop it quickly.
any suggestions would be appreciated.

04-09-2015, 06:25 AM
Follow closely now (after the quote), you (any reader) will most likely never hear anything like this again. So it is your one and only shot - :

hi all,
with the help of this fantastic forum ......thank you everyone; i have been able to understand and generally manage my anxiety.
however, there is one particular, intermittent, symptom i am having trouble dealing with; which is that unpleasant and disquieting feeling of my heart thumping in my throat.
it seems to happen without apparent reason and is not a regular occurence.........it lasts sometimes a few hours or maybe a day or two.
i don't seem to be able stop it quickly.
any suggestions would be appreciated.

What makes anxiety difficult to manage is that its an overall condition. You don't have a localized sensation, say for example, you break your ankle, you have it set, the pain is in the ankle area. All of your focus is in that one spot. You do not say, "I broke my ankle, so I have pain in my arm, my stomach hurts, im dizzy, sweating, and my elbow is sore." Do you understand?

With anxiety, assuming you have been cleared by your doctor of any 'real' physical issue, your whole body is a target. Today, it is your bladder, you see. Tomorrow that sensation is gone and you are dizzy, and then you - the next few days - might feel your heart in your throat. Once you manage one thing, its off to the next, you just cant catch up with it. -

And that is because, anxiety is a psychological issue. Now, you may find you have 'favorite sensations' and keep those in your 'favorite folder.' Say the heart thumping. So while other symptoms come and go - you see, the favorites are a regular occurrence, even among the others that seem to be temporary. A 'symphony' of symptoms.

When I say 'overall' condition, it is because the body has multitudes of sensory triggers, in each nerve ending or pathway - and so, any 'symptom' is possible, symbolically speaking - the 'favorite symptom' will usually mimic your biggest fear, period.

Treating an overall condition then starts in the psyche, managing anxiety means to let the physical come, no matter what the side effect is for the day - without such intense focus or fear, and all the while searching self for the mental reasons, the origins of the anxiety psychologically, itself - the memories, the beliefs, the trauma, childhood, parents, emotions -

You are not after the cause of the physical, another words - that is just the effect - your after the mental, which is the fount or origins, the source. Perhaps you have been suppressing who you are for years, or perhaps you never found who you are because you were being who everyone else wants you or expects you to be. Perhaps you were criticized and put down, unloved or abandoned, lonely and sad, or maybe unwanted, ashamed, guilty and troubled. Maybe you were not lovingly touched, only scolded. Or your esteem, worth, value was stripped from underneath you.

Any one in particular creates fear, and insecurity, doubt, worry - and the feeling of the heart beating in the throat - its no wonder you would have a broken heart with all of those unresolved, pent up emotional energies in the psyche.

* There is much more going on here with you, and everyone, than meets the eye, you see *

Nothing wrong with the body, you understand

It is just trying to keep in tune with the mental symphony, which is the result of false beliefs - and so the music it is playing is out of tune. The body in spite of the off key mind tries to regulate itself, often during sleep. But since anxiety is 'overall' - of course sleep is effected and the bodies attempts cut short by irregular sleep or worrisome dreaming. The dreams (are beneficial, even if scary) because they show areas that need healing, often cloaked, so if they are remembered they can be of help if interpreted correctly.

04-10-2015, 02:00 AM
thank you i s for your excellent reply..........i am learning all the time here.

04-10-2015, 02:59 AM
What is this thump in your throat? Can you describe it more? I'm not sure what you mean. That isn't anxiety in itself. Are saying is this symptom is giving you anxiety because you worry it is something serious? Can you please elaborate?

04-11-2015, 03:49 AM
thanks p c...........for no apparent reason [no trigger ] i get an uncomfortable,unsettling feeling followed by a sensation of my heart beating strongly in my throat.
i talk myself into thinking that this is anxiety related and chemicals are behaving badly against me.
i have regular physical checks so am not worried about it.
it is so unpleasant, intrusive and disquieting i wish i could nail it quickly.

04-11-2015, 06:11 AM
thanks p c...........for no apparent reason [no trigger ] i get an uncomfortable,unsettling feeling followed by a sensation of my heart beating strongly in my throat.
i talk myself into thinking that this is anxiety related and chemicals are behaving badly against me.
i have regular physical checks so am not worried about it.
it is so unpleasant, intrusive and disquieting i wish i could nail it quickly.

So is it possible to find out what is causing that and how to make it better? Can you come up with a logical physiological reason what causes the heart beat in throat? Just the throat or is it heart beating fast due to anxiety attack? Have you ever had a doctor listen or record the throat pounding while it is happening? This is a new thing?

04-12-2015, 02:33 AM
So is it possible to find out what is causing that and how to make it better? Can you come up with a logical physiological reason what causes the heart beat in throat? Just the throat or is it heart beating fast due to anxiety attack? Have you ever had a doctor listen or record the throat pounding while it is happening? This is a new thing?

i had a physical exam 3 months ago which included an e c g; all ok.
i have not been to doctor about this as it is not a regular occurrence and comes and goes for no apparent reason.

04-12-2015, 06:20 AM
I have not gone back and edited the following post, so please forgive grammar or sentence structure if there are issues. It is just given as it was automatically typed. Automatic typing or writing is a channeling process.

We begin below the quote.

i had a physical exam 3 months ago which included an e c g; all ok.
i have not been to doctor about this as it is not a regular occurrence and comes and goes for no apparent reason.

None of the physical symptoms of anxiety are 'apparent' (clearly visible, understood, or obvious). The doctors cannot say, "ok, you have a thumping heart in your throat, or big toe, or left elbow, so take this pill." Because to a large degree it has its origins in the mind, the result of a prolonged mental state. Yes, although it came suddenly, and one day you were 'fine', the next you were in the ER wondering what happened, there were generally years of 'clues' and 'build up' of emotions that remain for the most part repressed. Meaning even though the individual was aware of his hand in it (his thinking over time), the unwanted thoughts were immediately suppressed.

The final trigger, that unleashes this fury of stored emotions or energy can be almost anything. And can seem unrelated to any of the buried emotions. Anxiety, by analogy, is like a stick of dynamite. With a time delay fuse. Our psychological fuse can be likened to false imaginary issues or problems associated with beliefs, and take years to burn. Then one day out of the blue, "pow'. After that, the symptoms could be literally 'anything', because anxiety does not attack any specific organ. It is an 'overall' condition manifesting in multitudinous ways. One says 'My ear is popping !! Take me to the ER I have developed chronic ear syndrome!', to which the good doctors would prescribe a benzodiazepine, for lack of a clear diagnosis. There is no body part to remove, which leaves a medical quandary.

And so you must realize, you are really ok - for now - and begin to look at the years to see the false imaginary beliefs at work in your thoughts, and actively work at changing them. You may have epiphanies, seeing the errors clearly, or the traumatic experiences that built up over time, and be able to heal to a large extent. I say to a large extent because anxiety is within everyone. Only manifesting to a degree proportionate to the time spent brooding over the years, lamenting, fearing, or thinking a sort of way. Suppressing this thinking likened to the fuse example given.

Once that fateful day hits when all hell breaks loose - An interesting problem arises. All those years of suppression have finally exploded, but now the person begins to fear the future, not because of the usual line of thinking that caused this, but now solely from the current explosive experience. The person now fears fear. And associates, pictures, and projects this fear into his future. All those years of buildup have now been forgotten in lieu of only the immediate physical sensations and the possibility of their reoccurrence. To which a doctor would throw his hands up at, in confusion. And label you obsessive, fearful, and confused (GAD) with unreal projections of reality. (distorted ideas held as facts).

Lastly, an example. The individual would have spent a number of years thinking he was going to pass out. He was quite healthy, you see, but almost regularly his thoughts would interrupt him wherever he was and say "pass out, brain tumor,' (with no symptoms, maybe a little tired), Not having a conscious reason for this stray thought he dismisses it. And it indeed goes, until next time he thinks it. He has no physical symptoms to back up this thought. Now, as a small child maybe mother had some problems, cancer, or stroke, or maybe she had 'mental' issues and continually repeated dire messages of health. Maybe this man saw scary documentaries on TV at a young age and assumed it was factual that ALL humans will get this disease at age whatever, and the program listed the symptoms. Life-programming can be insidious for planting the seeds, you see. Now in his current state this man has manifested his imaginary (still) symptoms of the stray thought "pass out, brain tumor' but forgotten the link to the several hundred (thousand) times over the years he has RECITED IT IN HIS MIND.

Now, the trigger strikes, and the fear that has been ever present in his thoughts (beliefs) has become his reality only there is no tumor. He is dizzy, fearful, despondent, and for NO APPARENT REASON. He has a multitude of symptoms and all that he could come up with on google is that he has a tumor. Only no doctor can find it. And so the fear now is like a revolving door.

So the inception of the current day anxiety is usually early childhood, and can trigger with just a few years incubation, that is why you have children on these boards. And is most certainly a result of the family dynamics/daily conditioning (brainwashing) or lack of attention - love, or whatever the abuse (however subtle or loose the definition is). Abuse does not have to be in your face apparent for the child to develop one way or the other.

Some of you have gone through an ego switch (at any age). Where because of things you have done, mistakes, guilt, shame, low self worth you attack your own ego for the job it has done and effectively kill it. In its place (man cannot operate without an ego) will spring forth from the psyche another ego personality that is quite aware that its birth was dependent on the previous egos death, and so it will be fearful of its own future. Timid, and insecure. Or the opposite, overbearing, aggressive, with the use of power over, this type of ego could be the result of bullying, or years of physical/mental abuse. Or simply a response to the former egos death, or the result of a split personality where one portion becomes the 'protector', aiding in the 'defense' of the much weaker side. The faces the psyche could take are innumerable, however.

In closing, each individual is aware of their mental problems that to a large extent have remained unresolved, if there was simply one issue that everyone suffers with, it would be easy to say, 'well what worked for me would work for you' but each psyche is unique and it is the very personal work that each one of you has to do. Your own healing. The drugs typically called SSRI are basically thrown out at people as a 'group' and designed to suppress 'everyone' because this is a reflection of just how 'stumped' the medical community is with this. Throw a blanket over all of the people, and cover them up. Like a herd of sheep gone awry. I am telling you that although your issues are similar to another's, your work is very personal, unique, and important. Healing from this is the purpose. Healing from every false belief and idea you have ever thought about yourself. Because on the other side of that healing, is the state of feeling good, a worthy endeavor indeed.

04-13-2015, 02:05 AM
such an erudite and incisive reply.
i will learn from this.
thank you

04-13-2015, 09:45 PM
You have heart pounding n your throat, and you asked what it is, correct?. What does anything I'm Suffering say have to do with that? I really want to know what that drivel has to do with pounding in your throat?

04-13-2015, 09:48 PM
You have heart pounding n your throat, and you asked what it is, correct?. What does anything I'm Suffering say have to do with that? I really want to now what that drivel has to do with pounding in your throat?

I notice you got your thousandth post. Welcome to the 4-figure club!

04-13-2015, 09:50 PM
Thanks for reminding me how lame I am.

04-13-2015, 09:52 PM
Thanks for reminding me how lame I am.

Nah man, don't say that. We're all gonna get together later and watch a Hannah Montana DVD and eat gluten-free, dairy-free pretzels.

04-13-2015, 09:58 PM
Hey I used to watch Hanna Montana with my little niece before Miley Cyrus went porn!

04-13-2015, 09:58 PM
U both crazy guys PC and Jessed :))))
pretzels good especially the ones dipped in lye :)) Hannah is no for you guys:)

04-14-2015, 12:24 AM
Nah man, don't say that. We're all gonna get together later and watch a Hannah Montana DVD and eat gluten-free, dairy-free pretzels.

I'm nearly there, so I better be invited!

04-14-2015, 02:24 AM
your answer lies in the first paragraph.