View Full Version : An Update

04-08-2015, 02:59 PM
Well, I hadn't had an anxiety attack for a week yesterday. I felt great, I thought maybe my medication had started to kick in. But this morning right before 2nd period I had an attack. I just started crying for no reason it felt like, then it happened. I guess I was just tired and dreading the day and after school activities and such. My friend took me home. I don't think my mom was too happy that I missed an entire day of school because of anxiety. She came home on her lunch break to check on me and she's worried again. She has every right to be... she just makes it even worse sometimes. She ordered a DVD on the subject of anxiety and I started using essential oils (which help me relax before going to sleep but other wise don't have much of an effect for normal activities.) I'm making progress, things seem to be getting better, just some days you can't win I guess.


04-08-2015, 05:37 PM
Some days you just lose. :)

Chalk them up to experience then move on.

04-08-2015, 05:46 PM
My medication has been working great, but as Jesse said, some days you just lose. I still get those occasional days even with the improvements.

Best of luck to you.

04-09-2015, 01:29 AM
Yep even after 20+ years of this it still gets me sometimes. Hang in there.


04-09-2015, 04:12 AM
Well, I hadn't had an anxiety attack for a week yesterday. I felt great, I thought maybe my medication had started to kick in. But this morning right before 2nd period I had an attack. I just started crying for no reason it felt like, then it happened. I guess I was just tired and dreading the day and after school activities and such. My friend took me home. I don't think my mom was too happy that I missed an entire day of school because of anxiety. She came home on her lunch break to check on me and she's worried again. She has every right to be... she just makes it even worse sometimes. She ordered a DVD on the subject of anxiety and I started using essential oils (which help me relax before going to sleep but other wise don't have much of an effect for normal activities.) I'm making progress, things seem to be getting better, just some days you can't win I guess.


You aren't losing at all! Sometimes healing isn't totally linear. Imagine a long term timeline like in months. Maybe at one time you had anxiety 3 times a day for a month, and then you got it to 1 time a day then to 2 times a week. So let's say you go a week with no panic, and then it hits you. If you look at the entire month, maybe it's 5 times in that month, where before it was 60 times a month. You see what I'm trying to say? Look at progress in a more long term and I bet you are totally making progress.

Please allow me to give you some very helpful advice. I have totally overcome my anxiety disorder and you can too. Don't miss school, cancel things, or change your life in any way to fit your anxiety. That is the recipe for making it worse. I know it may sound impossible, but this is one of the main keys to getting better. School, I know that could be rough around kids and teachers and stuff. But generally, just pretend your life is normal and act as if it is. Have your panic attack and just deal with it. It is important to learn how to train the brain to overcome the panic attack in those places that trigger it. You have to remember at all times, panic attacks are not dangerous or life threatening. They are just adrenaline fight or flight responses. Maybe write that on a piece of paper and keep it with you. Always remember they aren't dangerous! They are major mind fucks. Major mind fucks! But when you run from them and run to that safe place, you are continuing the pattern. Healing anxiety is all about breaking that pattern.

I wrote a quick guide to stopping panic attacks that I'm going to ask you to just give it a try. If it works for you than just live your life and just do the steps I laid out here and hopefully you will get back in a few minutes. http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?9512-The-Quick-Guide-to-Stopping-Panic-Attacks