View Full Version : Random Dizzy Spells

04-07-2015, 01:10 PM
New to the site, not new to anxiety. Been dealing with this for 14+ years now.

My latest problem i have been getting are these random dizzy spells. I'm not talking about a light headed type feeling but rather
a quick burst or blip that totally throws my equilibrium off. A couple of times it hit me so hard that it felt like my knees where going
to buckle. And then as quick as it hit, its over. Maybe 2-3 seconds. At first, I just played it off as a new and exciting anxiety symptom.
But now, they seem to be happening at a much closer interval. I went and seen my doctor and they are going to run some tests,
but I was curious if anyone else has had symptoms like this?

As we all know, we (anxiety sufferers) worry a lot! So I was hoping someone could respond to this before my appointment and I go
completely insane! lol

Thanks in Advance!


04-07-2015, 05:34 PM
Sounds like it could be veritgo. Anxiety disorders can cause this as well as other common things. Mine is caused due to stress and anxiety.

04-08-2015, 04:48 AM
Yes, i have the same symptoms, But after having be diagnosed with PTSD 3 years ago, this is the first time ive experienced this symptom. comes on like i feel im going to lose control, then 5 seconds later it starts to dissipate.

04-08-2015, 08:26 AM
Thanks for the response. I'm hoping that its all just a normal anxiety symptom. It just feels so weird, unlike anything I've ever experienced in the past. I still get the light headed feelings from time to time, but this just throws me for a loop when it hits.

One thing I have noticed (like so many anxiety related symptoms), is that when I am busy or focused on something, it rarely happens. Hopefully, when I get the tests done it will put me at ease.

04-08-2015, 03:04 PM
I woke up feeling kind of dizzy today. I had an anxiety attack so I went home from school. I ran up the stairs then remembered something so I was about to go downstairs and all I could hear is my heartbeat thudding right above my neck. I saw spots and felt dizzy and fell to the ground, I felt like I was going to pass out... So now that you mention it yeah, I guess it is just a side affect of anxiety. Though this is the first time I've ever experienced something like that.

04-11-2015, 09:26 PM
Just had another strong blip! Was on my computer playing a game when it hit me. It comes on instantly and very strong. I get immediately light headed and very dizzy. Almost feels as if I'm going to pass out. Then 3-5 seconds later its all about gone. Does anyone get this???

I must say, I had bouts of being light headed throughout the day, but nothing like this. It scares me a lot.

04-12-2015, 02:32 PM
I've been experiencing dizziness over the last couple weeks for the first time. I agree, it is a really scary and disorienting feeling, I feel like I'm losing control.

If yours does turn out to be a symptom of anxiety, at least you will know why it's happening!
Stay strong, all the best :)

04-12-2015, 07:27 PM
Just found out that they moved my MRI up to tomorrow morning! Nervous, Scared, Frightened, (you name it).

Hoping for the best, but so scared that I actually have a brain tumor. These dizzy spells are just so frightening to me. They may be normal for most people, but I have never experienced them and am extremely scared. I've had the light headed feelings for so long, I think I have just gotten used to them. But these quick bursts scare the crap out of me. I've had constant tension on my head for like a week now. Right at my temples. And of course, all these symptoms are a constant reminder that something is not right. It's hard to dispel it.

04-12-2015, 08:18 PM
Just found out that they moved my MRI up to tomorrow morning! Nervous, Scared, Frightened, (you name it).

Hoping for the best, but so scared that I actually have a brain tumor. These dizzy spells are just so frightening to me. They may be normal for most people, but I have never experienced them and am extremely scared. I've had the light headed feelings for so long, I think I have just gotten used to them. But these quick bursts scare the crap out of me. I've had constant tension on my head for like a week now. Right at my temples. And of course, all these symptoms are a constant reminder that something is not right. It's hard to dispel it.

That's good your MRI is tomorrow; you can get this over with soon, you don't have to wait any longer to find out.
Sending positive thoughts your way!! Try to remember that the chances are extremely small that it's a tumour.
And I bet you're a hell of a lot stronger than you know. Plus there's a whole community that's here for you.

04-12-2015, 10:06 PM
Could be vertigo could be anxiety, low blood sugar, it happens after strenuous exercise, or Inner ear infection. Either way you should see the doc. MRI be happy you have one, whatever is happening you will know. I have the feeling that you will be ok. Please keep us posted.
In my city in Canada we wait 3 years for MRI, years ago I had similar symptoms as you and after set of tests they concluded that I have something floating in my inner ear. It never passed completely but you learn how to live with it. Good luck with MRI, :)

04-13-2015, 07:58 AM
I've had this for years on and off
I had a inner ear infection,but I do think my anxiety plays a big part of it,it's not nice I know :(
You maybe low in a vitamin to like vitamin D or something like that
Take care

04-13-2015, 09:05 AM
Just got back from my MRI and have to wait a couple of days for the results. Thanks for all the kind words and concern from everyone. Hugging my 2 year old boy a little more these days now. :)

04-13-2015, 10:16 AM
I sincerely believe it'll be anxiety related. I have had dizzy spells on and off many a time. Sometimes feeling very intense. The more you believe/blame a physiological cause the longer the symptom will last.


04-21-2015, 08:42 AM
Quick update. Met with the doctor yesterday and the MRI on my brain was normal. Said that mechanically, the brains blood flow and function was working properly. NO TUMOR! Couldn't rule out that it could be something neurologically though. Said it could be stress related, but to keep note of where and when it happens again. So I'm still kind of in limbo.

More importantly, I'm disappointed with myself. Upset that I let my anxiety get the best of me on this one. I feel stupid. Thought I was past this part of the anxiety, but I guess everyday is a work in progress. Thanks again for the kind encouraging words.


04-21-2015, 07:51 PM
tremor please go and see ENT doc
it is happy news that you have nothing:))) very happy indeed